Example sentences of "compose of a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The crystallographic asymmetric unit is composed of a pentamer of 1:1 cyclophilin-cyclosporin complexes of rather exact non-crystallographic fivefold symmetry .
2 The fist reason is that our society is composed of a variety of religious groups , of whom only 20 per cent are practising Christians .
3 The list is composed of a variety of types of problem including those traditionally accepted as legal by both lawyer and client , those regarded as legal by lawyers but not necessarily by clients and those not normally viewed by either as legal .
4 In this perspective , it was industrialization and urbanization which triggered those processes and which led ultimately to a weakening of family ties , and especially ties with kin outside the so-called ‘ conjugal family ’ composed of a couple and their immature children ( Morgan , 1975 , ch. 2 ; Harris , 1983 , chs. 6–8 ) .
5 NILTs were composed of a chairman and two members .
6 In arctic and alpine environments the surface is often seen to be composed of a layer of angular rock fragments commonly described by the term felsenmeer and attributed to the operation of frost weathering .
7 In the case of narrative syntax this basic unit is taken to be the clause which is in turn composed of a subject and a predicate .
8 This analysis itself is composed of a primary and backup system , and uses sign stimuli and very simple processing .
9 For convenience these enterprises will mainly be discussed as though they were single companies , though in fact they are normally composed of a parent company and several layers of subsidiaries .
10 In this context the object of evaluation is always a system which is usually composed of a structure and a process element .
11 This can be proved by seeing co-operation as composed of a cost ( c ) and a benefit or pay-off ( p ) .
12 Some processes involving simple treatment of yarn or fabric with an aqueous solution , such as yarn-sizing or back-filling , require very little water , whereas others , composed of a sequence of operations with many rinses , demand large quantities .
13 In the brain , the olfactory system appears to be composed of a sequence of layers of nodes with no obvious geometric structure . )
14 In the second case , a special element *lt ; group> is used , which can appear as the body of a and which is composed of a sequence of other , nested , groups or texts .
15 Where exposed by erosion even quite small intrusions can be significant features in the landscape , especially if they are composed of a rock type which is markedly more resistant to weathering than the adjacent strata .
16 The Prime Minister heads a government composed of a Cabinet of her senior ministers and about eighty non-Cabinet ministers all bound to a policy implicitly approved by the electorate ; the Prime Minister and all her colleagues must justify their actions and their policies before parliament , and if parliament withdraws its confidence , they must resign and face the stern judgment of the electorate upon their stewardship .
17 The consortium formed by BTG 's management and staff is led by CINVen , one of Europe 's largest investment funds and , according to a statement from Ian Harvey , BTG 's chief executive , is composed of a group of well-known and highly respected financial and academic institutions .
18 On social and environmental matters , the Labour party believes that there should be qualified majority voting in the ministerial Council , which is composed of a group of men and women already democratically accountable to their national Parliaments .
19 Each team is composed of a group of people from a particular ‘ faulty ’ area , whose task it is to resolve any problems once and for all .
20 Legislative power is vested in a bicameral Parliament composed of a House of Representatives which is popularly elected for five years and a Senate appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister ( currently Arthur Napoleon Raymond Robinson ) and of the Leader of the Opposition .
21 Legislative power is vested in a bicameral Parliament composed of a House of Representatives , popularly elected for five years , and a Senate appointed by the President on the advice of the Prime Minister and of the Leader of the Opposition .
22 The stem is composed of a number of rings .
23 Yet , analytically , bureaucracies are highly segmented , both vertically and horizontally , composed of a number of different institutions with different specialisations , clients , idioms of discourse , degrees of autonomy and secrecy , and the like .
24 Traditionally uncentralized politically , they live in small scattered villages , each composed of a number of matrilineally related men and their wives and children .
25 Essentially , however , a muscle is composed of a number of long fibres , each measuring from a few hundred µm in diameter .
26 Usually a proposal will be composed of a number of variants rather than a single ‘ take-it-or-leave-it ’ proposition .
27 As we have seen in this chapter , however , the newcomers , no matter how monolithic and undifferentiated they may seem to the locals , are composed of a number of identifiably separate urban middle-class groups — commuters , weekend cottagers , holiday-home dwellers , retired couples — among whom the village may vary considerably as a centre of their social activities .
28 While the single-centre institutions found it somewhat easier to adopt the mantle of RMC , inevitably some of the multi-centre RMCs found their development delayed by management problems , especially where they were composed of a number of colleges which had to negotiate a series of complex mergers before they could start .
29 Rather , the market for foreign currency in London is composed of a number of international banks linked by electronic information screens such as Reuters .
30 The " broad acres " of a landed estate were in fact composed of a number of farms , each yielding a rent paid by the tenant farmer who worked the farm .
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