Example sentences of "close to her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What remained of her hair had been clipped and plastered close to her head in a most unflattering style .
2 Her hand stilled , and she raised her eyes to see grey trousers close to her shoulder .
3 However , the jury were having none of it ; she had entered these institutions of her own volition , possibly when the police were getting a little too close to her activities in that part of the country .
4 He let go of Leila who rubbed her wrist , holding it close to her chest .
5 In another instance , a Portsmouth docker 's daughter had grown close to her grandmother through helping her go out to shop or visit , or just sitting with her — ‘ her and I were never separated . ’
6 Phoebe was still asleep beside her , curled up and with her back close to her daughter 's : Maggie enjoyed the moment of comfort , adding it dreamily to the shadow that was also there .
7 She had wanted to fall in love , she had willed it , and her body had produced the lover , close to her heart , fed by her own blood , watered by own needy greedy wanting .
8 That night , as often when she put Josh to bed , Clare held the most precious thing in her world close to her heart and felt guilty and ashamed that she was n't providing him with the things she thought she should .
9 One of the monstrous hounds had followed her out of the main house and now pressed close to her legs .
10 She realised how close to her Luke suddenly was , and panic leapt .
11 ‘ You give in ? ’ he murmured , his lips tantalisingly close to her face .
12 Eleanor smiled and pushed a sodden lock of hair under her hood , which was pulled close to her face by a drawstring .
13 She forced herself to smile at Billy , clutching the coat with its hidden weapon close to her side .
14 Luke 's wedding ring was on the table , close to her hand , and her eyes were wide open , like the eyes of someone who has just woken up .
15 It was breathed tauntingly close to her mouth .
16 It smelled of expensive cologne , and her skin tingled as he turned his head , his sensuous mouth drifting warmly , dangerously close to her cheek .
17 ‘ I told you we 'd make it , ’ he said , lips close to her ear .
18 Lips close to her ear , he said , ‘ I 'm sorry , but I have to try it . ’
19 As he began to shout his reply , he only managed the words , ‘ Bloody tacky , ’ when , at the sound of his raised voice close to her ear , Daisy swung her head towards him and caught him full in the chest with her nose .
20 A voice spoke close to her ear , ‘ It 's good to see you looking so well . ’
21 ‘ The Women have come , ’ Fand whispered , lips close to her ear .
22 Just her name , ‘ Sophie ’ , spoken close to her ear , because no-one else deserved to share the moment .
23 Over the sea bass , Angus leaned across the white linen tablecloth , his lips close to her ear .
24 Elinor listened carefully as Buzz leaned close to her ear and outlined her plan .
25 She was startled by his deep Irish brogue , so close to her ear .
26 ‘ The knack , ’ the deep voice was saying close to her ear , ‘ is to stop pouring when the glass is full , Miss Hastings . ’
27 ‘ Thank you , Madame , that will be all for the moment , but , ’ he bent his head close to her ear as they moved towards the door , ‘ I would ask you to act as my eyes and ears when I am not present .
28 Jeanette leaned toward her and said close to her ear , ‘ You 're Chrissie Ashdown 's sister , are n't you ? ’
29 ‘ Not silly , just compassionate , ’ he murmured , his mouth close to her ear .
30 He smiled and nodded , pulling her into his arms , so that he could speak close to her ear .
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