Example sentences of "close [prep] its [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Mother waited for the straggling child to catch up with her , and then she bent down , shouted something to it right up close against its face , and then hit it hard across the face with the back of her right hand .
2 However , it may also be unable to reap the benefits by charging the community for the advantages gained by improved amenities installed close to its factory ( eg an approach road ) , which benefit local people .
3 Machine the tape close to its edge , avoiding the cords , stitching along the top and bottom in the same direction .
4 In some cases , the decision-maker 's aim may be to force an objective as close to its goal as possible , both shortfall and excess being undesirable .
5 Even though both currencies are allowed to fluctuate within the wide 6 p.c. bands not available to other monetary units , the escudo shot right to the ceiling of its band — pushing sterling close to its floor .
6 The pound opens at 2.7800 German marks — perilously close to its floor of 2.7780 .
7 On currency markets the French franc hovered close to its floor , 2.15 per cent below the current strongman , the Irish punt , while sterling fell almost 2 pfennigs to Dm2.3562 , but closed almost unchanged at $1.4560 .
8 The plane would certainly not be shot down , and as he had not alerted the Observer Corps , there was a good chance that it would get close to its destination — Dungavel , his family home — before being spotted .
9 Close to its crest lies an outcrop of particularly fine shales and in these some of the most perfectly preserved fossils in the world have been discovered .
10 Data Connection , too , is playing its price-list close to its chest .
11 The Dragoons were in the district and to hide from them he retired to a small cave on the banks of the Lugar River , close to its junction with the Dippel Burn .
12 Excavations during 1956–7 revealed extensive ribbon development along the road skirting the south-west side of the defences , close to its junction with Ermine Street .
13 Throughout its early life , the calf stays close to its mother , positioning itself above the midline and forward of her dorsal fin .
14 Slightly wobbly at first , the kid soon learns to stand and to stay close to its mother .
15 By the second year the young orang is becoming more independent , though it still keeps close to its mother .
16 Actually , providing your timing is reasonable , this is not too dangerous , because you will be interrupting the attacking technique close to its source , when it is at its weakest .
17 There were no sustained views that stress — arising again in the main from discipline issues — could be alleviated by efforts directed at or close to its source .
18 The first step is to ensure that the waste is disposed of as close to its source as possible .
19 A team from the Centre assessed the route to be taken by Shell 's North Western Ethylene Pipeline to determine how archaeological sites close to its path — from Grangemouth on the Firth of Forth to Stanlow in Cheshire — might be affected by the proposed construction work and how potential damage might be mitigated .
20 Wanting to play this card particularly close to its vest , USL declines to describe it further .
21 The difficulties associated with the introduction of the community charge were not caused by the time taken for the Bill to pass through the House , but by the fact that a large number of regulations relating to the charge were passed close to its introduction .
22 This problem emerges most clearly in psychology 's relationships with computer-dependent methods , which come close to its ideal of objectivity .
23 When the interceptor gets close to its target , it is used as a second radar receiver .
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