Example sentences of "defend [pn reflx] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Socialist League defended itself against any suggestion that it was exceeding its limited aims .
2 Thereby did the diabolical Powers seek to mutate the substance of the universe and to destroy Man 's far-flung yet ultimately frail empire of sanity — a sanity that must needs defend itself with unrelenting savagery …
3 At the same time the GCC instituted collective security arrangements whereby the six , while rejecting outside intervention , would defend themselves against any attack made upon any one of them .
4 Lynsey was researching a project on how women could defend themselves from potential rapists and sex attackers and planning a BBC documentary on the subject .
5 ‘ I shall defend myself with all the eloquence at my command , ’ said Mr Singleton unworriedly .
6 Employing only a cool curiosity , she had defended herself from sentimental pretences .
7 He was defending himself with great skill , every now and then sliding his hands down the staff and striking at a distance with its full length , and then suddenly changing direction and bringing the shortened end up in a jab at the face or stomach of one of the attackers he had tempted to come too close .
8 We have no record of Gillray defending himself in this way against charges of inconsistency , but an example can be given of another public figure of those times .
9 ROGER HOAD is threatening to sue the Jockey Club for the Pounds 5,500 he spent on successfully defending himself against weight-switching allegations .
10 Ego takes great pleasure in wallowing in self-pity , and defending itself against all charges , whatever the cost to others .
11 As far as Humphreys is concerned , firms which occupy the high ground in executive search are not necessarily limited in the variety , volume or type of search work that can be undertaken ; for example , Tyzack 's recent work includes finding the chairman of London Transport , looking simultaneously for three chief executives for an international trading company in the Far East , Europe and the US ( none of whom was to earn less than US$450 000 ) , searching for the chairman of the Monopolies & Mergers Commission , tracking down the chief executive of a building society and the MD of a conglomerate which , during the search , was defending itself against likely take-over bids .
12 The safety of an army in the field is dependent not only on defending itself against direct attack but also on its maintaining open communications with its base … we should be as much concerned with threats to the rear as with threats to the front .
13 It is not surprising that Nizan 's gaze eventually alighted on the French communist party , a source of ideological certainty , a small community defending itself by rigid discipline against the fluidity , compromise and unreliability of centrist politics in Third Republic France .
14 They could even have proven to be the negative experience of small ethnic enclaves defending themselves in hostile environments , but even this viewpoint can only be speculation .
15 Whether or not he does it , every person has a duty to God not to ‘ harm another in his life , … liberty , … or goods ’ , and so has a parallel right to defend himself against such attack .
16 Words with which he hoped to defend himself against imagined conspiracies , actual confession , real Guilts , and words that would too explicitly , too protestingly deny too much of the substance of his own present thoughts as he looked at the girl and his own former behaviour with many , many more of her kind .
17 But it should also be mentioned that Sultan Qaboos overthrew his own father and needed the military support of the Shah and the SAS to defend himself against those of his countrymen not recognizing the benefits of his traditional Arab-Islamic leadership .
18 Now , under the impact of guilt and remorse motivated by the positive side of the original ambivalent feelings for the father , the ego sought to defend itself from further conflict with its id by erecting safety measures which would protect it from such distorting and stressful impulses .
19 to defend itself against foreign
20 These data show , therefore , that the ability of the gastric mucosa to defend itself against noxious challenges depends on the integrity of its sensory innervation , whereas the rapid repair processes taking place after injury do not require an intact sensory innervation .
21 The British Field Sports Society is preparing to defend itself against another attempt in parliament to impose a ban on hunting .
22 Unless the US , upon withdrawal , left sufficient indigenous military strength to enable south Korea to defend itself against any but an overt act of aggression , US withdrawal could be interpreted as a betrayal by the US of its friends and allies in the Far East and might well lead to a fundamental realignment of forces in favour of the Soviet Union throughout that part of the world .
23 We also see , occasionally , the academic community rising up en masse to defend itself against some perceived external threat — usually further diminutions in its autonomy .
24 It 's a bit late , but Britain 's getting ready to defend herself at last — in case . ’
25 Luisella had also been the child of a successful businessman , owner of one of the most important chemist 's shops in Treviso , and she too had had brothers who had dominated her childhood , driving her to defend herself in unorthodox ways .
26 ‘ I was n't able to defend myself at all , I was just wanting to get it over with . ’
27 But money matters because it enables the elderly to continue to retain the power of choice in many areas of their lives , to defend themselves to some extent against the ‘ slings and arrows of outrageous fortune ’ and to enjoy a well earned retirement with dignity .
28 Cubans must be ready to defend themselves against external military threat , he warned , and would face further economic deterioration , at a rate dependent on the nature of a continued economic relationship with the Soviet Union " based on specific premises " .
29 Many governments round the world say that they spend a lot of money on military equipment because they need to defend themselves against other countries that might try to take over their territory .
30 Even if reinforced , UN peacekeepers are not deployed or armed to defend themselves against concerted attack .
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