Example sentences of "exclude from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The only totally safe way to proceed is to exclude from the operation of the general exclusion clauses all those classes of liability for which the UCTA imposes a total ban on exclusion clauses .
2 It is important , however , not to exclude from the equation the ingestion of food contaminated by infective oocysts from cat faeces .
3 In a New Year 's Day report he told the PDPA that he did not wish ‘ to exclude from the process of national reconciliation the various political groupings of a centrist or monarchist persuasion or the leaders of armed anti-government groupings operating abroad ’ .
4 It goes without saying that it would also be desirable to exclude from the unemployment figures those who are employed but are making fraudulent claims for unemployment benefit or supplementary benefits .
5 Somewhat grudgingly they were admitted to Central Station via Central Drive , to Manchester Square and Victoria Pier via Station Road , but excluded from the Promenade itself .
6 I beg to move , That this House , noting that the ten million people today living on or below the income support level of less than £40 a week for an adult represent the greatest numbers in poverty in Britain since the war , and that the Government has as a deliberate policy over twelve years further impoverished the poorest one third of the nation to make the rich richer , calls on the Government to reverse its policies of increasing poverty and unemployment and to give priority to the growing millions excluded from the rights and opportunities of real citizenship by increasing pensions by £5 per week for a single pensioner and by £8 a week for a married couple , by re-instituting the pension link with earnings which the Government broke twelve years ago , and by restoring to families the losses in child benefit from three years of government freeze .
7 It virtually excluded from the student 's experience ( and so from the likely experience of that student 's future pupils ) any serious engagement with the imaginative and creative uses of the mother tongue .
8 Officially , those of you excluded from the league of designers are not meant to join in this day-long visual and alimentary orgy .
9 and so provided that there 's proper procedures , I mean I do n't suppose the commission wanted to actually act as a , a review body for every person excluded from the market in Europe , and so they said well one 's got to have a certain faith in the national courts as being an independent review , and such as that person is excluded from the market there must be a very good reason and he was an a competitor
10 We excluded from the analysis subjects who had a history of heart attack , heart failure , stroke , cancer , or an unknown periodontal classification at baseline .
11 Finally , ss 28 and 29 exclude from the UCTA contracts governed by international conventions ( eg Athens Convention regulating sea carriage of passengers ) and contracts governed by any other statutory scheme of regulation in the UK which perm its specific exclusions of liability .
12 I exclude from the question of compensation the element of injury to the eye , which I feel was accidental and not due to any negligence . ’
13 We exclude from the analysis those five observations where the output decision was quite clearly in the wrong ballpark .
14 This immediately excludes from the scope of the Protocol the whole area of taking evidence and obtaining information abroad ; this area could be excluded by Reservation from the scope of the Convention , and is also the object of a distinct Inter-American Convention .
15 Section 25(7) excludes from the category of available interim relief a ‘ provision for obtaining evidence ’ .
16 Section 12(7) excludes from the definition of conveyance a vehicle under the control of someone not carried in or on it .
17 As it is now interpreted , this excludes from the ambit of the rule those accumulations which in the judgment of the court ( there being no objective test ) do not involve an unreasonable risk or an extraordinary use of land .
18 Consequently , the residence requirement had the effect of excluding from the United Kingdom sea fishing industry the vast majority of Community citizens who were not resident in the United Kingdom .
19 Individual scientists are excluding from the EC research ; if a scientist has a ‘ good idea ’ he is unlikely to favour involvement with other organisations , especially if the idea is marketable .
20 The definition of ‘ consecutive ’ or ‘ non-selected ’ asthmatics was strictly adhered to by excluding from the study all those referred for investigation because of gastrointestinal signs or symptoms .
21 It was a new and very special experience to be treated as a granny , excluded from the kitchen , given a sherry before the meal and told not to help with the serving up .
22 Excluded from the invitation list
23 Communists from the PSP , with the exception of Fidel 's younger brother Raúl , were excluded from the venture , which was anathema to the party line and was subsequently dismissed as ‘ adventurist ’ .
24 The Law Commission provisionally recommended that mere displays of force should be excluded from the offence , largely , it would seem , since there were several other offences by which such behaviour could be prosecuted , and because there were no modern prosecutions for this form of the offence ‘ save in quite exceptional circumstances . ’
25 My practical mastery had made me acutely aware of the boundaries which separate those inside the institution from those excluded from the specialist knowledge of ‘ doing the business ’ and I was more than ever aware of the suspicions which would have been aroused if I had introduced questions of an academic nature , or had distributed questionnaires .
26 Under the heading ‘ Social changes ’ the chapter says , in brief , that the deferential society is dead ; and that ‘ the coming of age of democracy in our society is a process that inevitably affects the whole of people 's lives ; it can not be excluded from the workplace . ’
27 Clean air is an example of non-excludability : if some people incur costs to avoid pollution , those who do not pay can not be excluded from the benefits .
28 Foreign labour was cheaper than Libyan , and it was excluded from the benefits of socialist legislation , in particular from the provision that workers could take over the private businesses for which they worked .
29 Rural areas and subsistence-level farmers were neglected or actually excluded from the benefits which copper exports made possible in terms of schools , health facilities , agricultural inputs and credit ( Bwayla 1980 , Klepper 1980 , 1981 , ODG 1981 ) .
30 In general , brand names have been excluded from the text , except where products are unique or where instructions are specific to a particular manufacturer 's product .
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