Example sentences of "drawing up of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The programme 's main points concerned ( i ) the required " readjustment " of the Marxist MPLA-PT 's theoretical foundations ; ( ii ) the " urgent " introduction of enabling measures for a multiparty system ; ( iii ) the depoliticization of the army ; ( iv ) revision of the Constitution ; and ( v ) the drawing up of electoral rolls prior to the holding of a general election .
2 They called into question various electoral procedures including the drawing up of electoral lists and the issuing of ballot papers .
3 We showed how although such questions allowed a wide range of possible approaches to INSET , even within the context of a central provision , and despite the market research which preceded the drawing up of each year 's programme , the Authority tended towards a particular combination of imprecise targeting , top-down views of teachers ' needs , and external agents adopting training or instructing roles .
4 A very important function appears to be the discussion and rationalisation of conflicting demands for materials made upon local councils and the drawing up of agreed minimum lists of equipment .
5 The proposal involves support for elephant tracking operations , the drawing up of new import and export controls , and a " public relations campaigns with the goal of … reopening markets for legal ivory and other elephant products " .
6 In this climate , various groups of individuals who had been involved in the conferences and activities of the preceding few years were to move into the drawing up of detailed proposals for curriculum development and the search for funds with which to implement these . [ … ]
7 Indeed the years immediately before 1789 saw in some of the greatest European monarchies ( most notably in Prussia ) a growing demand for the drawing up of fundamental laws which would prevent the ruler from behaving in an arbitrary manner , particularly by increasing the importance of legal institutions .
8 He encouraged Sir Warren Fisher , the permanent secretary of the Treasury , and other senior civil servants to busy themselves with the drawing up of constitutional memoranda which came near to being ultimata .
9 Here took place the famous séries , five to a season , each one lasting eight days , when 80 guests were invited at a time and it was in the drawing up of these guest lists that the Empress deployed all her social skills .
10 This clause and the adoption in Wihtred 's laws of the West Saxon term gesith for noble in place of the eorlcund of the laws of Aethelberht , Hlothhere and Eadric perhaps strengthen a possibility that some degree of collaboration attended the drawing up of these codes .
11 The method proved much cheaper than the conventional equipment currently used to monitor pollution levels , and is quick enough to allow recognition of pollution hotspots and the drawing up of weekly pollution maps .
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