Example sentences of "advance have be made " in BNC.

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1 Over many years considerable advances had been made in urban environmental quality through better housing , lessening of overcrowding and provision of open space : but national medical standards had not risen accordingly .
2 Such criticisms which may be made must , however , be made with a sense of reality , and with the understanding that many hospitals have tried hard to create a favourable atmosphere , and that considerable advances have been made in the care of mentally handicapped people inside large hospitals .
3 At the same time , great advances have been made in finding out how best to use the many drugs now available .
4 Some significant advances have been made in removing the colonial view of history and society which virtually blotted out all history and culture , apart from that of Europe and European settlers in Africa .
5 Similar advances have been made in producing plants that have engineered resistance to viruses and fungi .
6 Considerable advances have been made since then with regard to the concepts of health and disease and the old belief linking offensive odours with disease is gradually disappearing and being replaced by concern about the injury to comfort and amenity caused by such odours , plus the possibility of financial loss due to the depreciation in selling value of a property subject to odour pollution .
7 With particular reference to agricultural odours advances have been made in odour abatement since the publication of the Working Party Report and for the best current practice on odour control reference should be made to reports by the Agricultural Development and Advisory Service of the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food .
8 No matter what great advances have been made in the last 12–18 months , there is still an awful lot of blood being shed in the country .
9 Great advances have been made since the early days of computing , when specialist skills were needed for such interaction .
10 Considerable advances have been made compared with other countries .
11 Considerable advances have been made in the assessment of knowledge and clinical skills — for example , multiple choice questions and objective structured clinical examinations .
12 Major research advances have been made by , for example , Gilliland ( 1982 ) who explained 87 per cent of the northern hemisphere 1881- ] 975 temperature variance ( for time-scales greater than three years ) by forcing due to the greenhouse effect , volcanoes and the 76-year solar cycle .
13 Considerable advances have been made in recent years in using computer models to understand the intellectual aspects of the human mind .
14 Great advances have been made in this technique because of the interest in skin grafting , and ibroblasts do not transform to cancer cells easily in culture .
15 It remains true that in Tate 's criticism and since ( for no advance has been made in this quarter ) ‘ rhythm ’ and ‘ movement ’ are wholly impressionistic — you hear what the critic is talking about , or else you do n't .
16 ‘ R.D.W. ’ told his fellow architects in 1859 that ‘ Since the revival of gothic architecture , and the general advance in public taste , a great advance has been made in chapel-building ’ regardless of the style chosen .
17 It seems to me that that structural advance has been made mainly because of the breakdown of the big integrated production monopolies of the BBC and ITV , with their teams , solid structure and union agreements about their size .
18 ‘ Responsibility is accepted in the preparation of this report for the skill and diligence reasonably to be expected of a competent surveyor and valuer but the information it contains is for the confidential information only of the clients for whom it is prepared and of any building society , bank or other lender to whom written application for a mortgage advance has been made or will be made within 28 days after the date of this report .
19 The war against the Japanese was still in progress and although considerable advance had been made , there was a great deal of very difficult terrain to be covered and the prospect of arranging an invasion of the Japanese islands was horrendous .
20 Nevertheless , a considerable advance had been made .
21 In the meantime , advance have been made in the culturing of rhizobia and the preparation of inoculants for use with existing leguminous crops , and considerable increases in yield have been obtained when applied to crops in the field .
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