Example sentences of "estimate [that] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In March 1991 the Commission estimated that budgetary fraud cost up to 10 per cent of the EC 's total budget .
2 The COSLA report estimated that official estimates of costs and savings have been miscalculated by as much as £100 million .
3 The Far Eastern Economic Review of Feb. 28 estimated that two-way trade between the two countries in 1991 would total some US$14,000,000 .
4 The introduction of Japanese plants to South Wales , and later to north-east England ( led by Nissan ) , was widely seen chiefly as a spur to UK firms to ‘ improve ’ their working practices and productivity , although Dunning ( 1986 ) estimated that Japanese employment in the UK could increase to 22,000 by the end of the 1980s and to a possible 250,000 by the year 2000 .
5 Jacques Attali , the ( French ) president of the EBRD , estimated that eastern Europe would need ECU2,000,000 million over the next 20 years , although " the most important point " was that " the money will come from the reorganization of their own economies and their own savings " .
6 ( The July OPEC production ceiling , set at a total of just under 22,500,000 barrels per day ( bpd ) , had been suspended since late August — see p. 37641 — and the Financial Times of Dec. 14 estimated that current overall OPEC output was 400,000 bpd above the ceiling , despite the loss of 4,300,000 bpd of Iraqi and Kuwaiti exports . )
7 Notwithstanding the party 's post-Recruit commitment to reduce the influence of money within the electoral process , some analysts estimated that total LDP spending during the course of the campaign was in excess of 210,000 million yen ( approximately US$1,450 million ) .
8 The study estimated that total GDP in the West Bank , East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip fell to between US$1,200 million and US$1,500 million in 1989 , some 35 per cent less than the pre-intifada level .
9 A preliminary report by the country 's central bank , the Reserve Bank of India , issued on June 2 , estimated that total losses resulting from India 's worst financial scandal [ see p. 38913 ] would amount to Rs31,000 million ( US$1,200 million ) .
10 lo ensure that everyone 's nitrate levels stayed under 50 mg/litre the NCG estimated that immediate capital spending of £50 million would be needed , and £150 million would be required within 20 years .
11 A report published by the UK environmental organization Friends of the Earth on Dec. 14 , 1989 , estimated that global rainforest destruction had doubled from an average of 75,000 sq km per year in the 1970s to 142,000 sq km per year in the 1980s .
12 In his report as a Poor Law Commissioner , Chadwick estimated that inadequate sanitation leading to excessively high death rates was costing the country £14 million a year in lost production , apart from the social costs in terms of crime , delinquency , and the like .
13 We can estimate that total market demand for electrical goods will rise by ( 2.0 O 4% ) = 8% next year to 1.08 O $5 million = $5,400,000 .
14 It was estimated that annual defence spending by developing countries totalled around US$170,000 million , or 5 per cent of their combined gross domestic product ( GDP ) , and more than three times the total value of aid transfers from the industrialized world .
15 Between the surrender and December 1948 the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce retail price index rose by 4000 per cent and it is estimated that black market prices increased at double this rate .
16 RECYCLED PAPER It is estimated that certain plastics will take over 400 years to disintegrate , so that is why we are introducing more recyclable plastic , which can be melted down and re-used .
17 A major discovery was made at Jabirn in the Timor Sea in 1983 but it has been estimated that similar discoveries on a yearly basis would be necessary if increasing oil imports are not to be required in the future to maintain present levels of consumption .
18 In Western Europe it is estimated that new cars will become , on average , 2% more fuel efficient per year to 1990 , Europe 's motor manufacturers having given the commitment to governments to improve the fuel efficiency of their 1985 models by 10% over the 1978 efficiency level .
19 most school librarians have experience of pupils losing library tickets , it was estimated that individual cards would need replacing regularly .
20 It has been estimated that diarrhoeal illness is responsible for 250,000 deaths each year in Bangladesh .
21 In the same year in Kenya it has been estimated that African citizens and government institutions owned only about 5 per cent of corporate assets .
22 In 1989 , it was estimated that sharp instruments were used in one in three aggravated burglaries , one in five robberies , one in 17 offences of violence against the person and one in 100 sexual offences .
23 A report by the House of Commons Select Committee on the Environment has estimated that indoor air pollution and sick building syndrome cost the British economy at least £650 million a year in terms of the effects on thousands of people suffering chronic ailments caused by increased allergies , asthma and other conditions .
24 At the time of a prisoner amnesty in Albania in November 1989 [ see p. 37048 ] Western observers had estimated that political prisoners alone numbered up to 5,000 .
25 It has been estimated that retrospective appeals from Scottish landowners over previously designated SSSIs — there are currently 1300 — could cost SNH £1.5m a year , 7.5% of their budget .
26 This is particularly apparent in Central America , where it is estimated that seasonal migrants make up 70 per cent of the labour force employed in agriculture .
27 ( By way of indication of what this represented in the family budget , it has been estimated that weekly expenditure on food in working-class families at the time was about 35 per head . ) "
28 The Illington-Lackford type of pottery occurs on 4 per cent of cemeteries and 15 per cent of settlements in East Anglia , strongly suggesting that it was being used for domestic , as well as funerary , use , and it is estimated that undecorated pottery made from the same fabrics outnumber the decorated Illington-Lackford pots by 15:1 .
29 It is estimated that British Gas 's contracted supplies from the North Sea will start to run down from 1984 and by 1995 will meet only one-third of UK needs .
30 ‘ It has been estimated that British business is losing up to £1bn a year and that around 100,000 jobs have been lost as a result of this practice . ’
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