Example sentences of "estimate [conj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Official figures put the casualties at seven dead and 22 wounded , but independent sources estimated that 16 demonstrators and two policemen had been killed and 350 demonstrators injured , 66 of whom were in critical condition .
2 In March 1991 the Commission estimated that budgetary fraud cost up to 10 per cent of the EC 's total budget .
3 In 1759 Joseph Massie estimated that 228,000 families were supported by metal , wood and textile manufactures .
4 The COSLA report estimated that official estimates of costs and savings have been miscalculated by as much as £100 million .
5 The Far Eastern Economic Review of Feb. 28 estimated that two-way trade between the two countries in 1991 would total some US$14,000,000 .
6 The introduction of Japanese plants to South Wales , and later to north-east England ( led by Nissan ) , was widely seen chiefly as a spur to UK firms to ‘ improve ’ their working practices and productivity , although Dunning ( 1986 ) estimated that Japanese employment in the UK could increase to 22,000 by the end of the 1980s and to a possible 250,000 by the year 2000 .
7 Australian scientists in 1983 estimated that 4700 dolphins had drowned in the giant nets in 22 months .
8 The Malthusian of June 1914 estimated that 100,000 women a year took drugs to induce miscarriage , and there were suggestions at the time that there were few mothers of large families who had not attempted abortion .
9 Nalgo said it estimated that 100,000 jobs will be lost in local government and the health service in the next financial year .
10 Jacques Attali , the ( French ) president of the EBRD , estimated that eastern Europe would need ECU2,000,000 million over the next 20 years , although " the most important point " was that " the money will come from the reorganization of their own economies and their own savings " .
11 A report published on Aug. 19 in Washington , written by two staff members of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee after a visit to the region on Aug. 7-14 , estimated that 35,000 people had died in Bosnia since late March ; Bosnian Moslems formed the largest group of casualties .
12 ( The July OPEC production ceiling , set at a total of just under 22,500,000 barrels per day ( bpd ) , had been suspended since late August — see p. 37641 — and the Financial Times of Dec. 14 estimated that current overall OPEC output was 400,000 bpd above the ceiling , despite the loss of 4,300,000 bpd of Iraqi and Kuwaiti exports . )
13 In all the Group estimated that 300,000 people had served prison sentences of two or more years in East Germany since 1945 .
14 We estimated that 37 subjects would be required in each treatment limb .
15 The police , who were overwhelmed , estimated that 30,000 people converged on the red-brick dust track at Lillie Bridge , West Brompton , London , to bet on the outcome of the gladiatorial duel between George and Cummings .
16 A survey of welfare spending by all private firms conducted by the Ministry of Labour in 1975 estimated that such payments yielded benefits equivalent to 10–15 per cent of annual earnings , but did not distinguish very clearly how this differs according to size of firm .
17 On June 21 the Philippine government estimated that 600,000 Filipinos , including 65,000 employed by US forces , had lost their means of livelihood .
18 The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors estimated that 600,000 acres had been blighted , including large areas of Sheffield and Birmingham .
19 Notwithstanding the party 's post-Recruit commitment to reduce the influence of money within the electoral process , some analysts estimated that total LDP spending during the course of the campaign was in excess of 210,000 million yen ( approximately US$1,450 million ) .
20 The study estimated that total GDP in the West Bank , East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip fell to between US$1,200 million and US$1,500 million in 1989 , some 35 per cent less than the pre-intifada level .
21 A preliminary report by the country 's central bank , the Reserve Bank of India , issued on June 2 , estimated that total losses resulting from India 's worst financial scandal [ see p. 38913 ] would amount to Rs31,000 million ( US$1,200 million ) .
22 The United Kingdom-based Save the Children Fund estimated that 10,000,000 people faced starvation and that Sudan and Ethiopia each required 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 tonnes of food immediately to avert a catastrophe .
23 One of his doctors estimated that each day in intensive care was adding $1,000 to his medical bill .
24 In 1985 , the Controller of the Audit Commission estimated that each year ‘ at least £3 billion worth of goods and services is purchased by competitive tendering ’ ( Banham 1985 : 12 ) .
25 lo ensure that everyone 's nitrate levels stayed under 50 mg/litre the NCG estimated that immediate capital spending of £50 million would be needed , and £150 million would be required within 20 years .
26 No effort has been made to investigate the tens of thousands of murders and ‘ disappearances ’ that have occurred over the past three years : in February , Sri Lankan human rights activists estimated that 40,000 people had ‘ disappeared ’ since 1987 .
27 A report published by the UK environmental organization Friends of the Earth on Dec. 14 , 1989 , estimated that global rainforest destruction had doubled from an average of 75,000 sq km per year in the 1970s to 142,000 sq km per year in the 1980s .
28 Regional news sources estimated that 200 people had been killed and 10,000 made homeless between the beginning of March and the end of April .
29 In his report as a Poor Law Commissioner , Chadwick estimated that inadequate sanitation leading to excessively high death rates was costing the country £14 million a year in lost production , apart from the social costs in terms of crime , delinquency , and the like .
30 A UN forestry expert estimated that 17,000,000 hectares of the world 's rainforests had been destroyed in 1990 ( as against 11,000,000 hectares in 1980 ) .
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