Example sentences of "derive [adv] from the " in BNC.

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1 Recorded music has now become a separate expressive form , thanks to a range of studio technologies deriving fundamentally from the ability to edit and amalgamate sounds , made possible by the use of magnetic tape .
2 It is true that once a useful co-ordinating convention is established every person has reason to adhere to it , a reason which is independent of the existence of the authority , a reason deriving entirely from the existence of the useful convention .
3 Of far greater significance for the inter-war period were those who saw fascism mainly as a positive force which would create a new society deriving directly from the war experience .
4 The first , deriving also from the Council 's first major text , and with little doubt the most decisive for the life of most Catholics , was that to make far greater use of the vernacular in the liturgy ( Sacrosanctum Concilium 36 and 54 ) .
5 It was seen to derive directly from the dual functions of the state , the securing of accumulation and legitimation .
6 Although this herb has its origin in Southern Europe and western Asia , its common name is said to derive either from the Anglo-Saxon dylle or the old Norse dilla which meant to soothe or lull , in reference to its use in calming infants who had hiccups — in fact Culpeper said " it stayeth the hiccough . "
7 Parliamentary support began to coalesce , deriving mainly from the analogy which was seen between compensation for criminal injuries and the existing welfare provision for people who had sustained injuries in the course of their work .
8 Also called the clove pink , clove July or carnation in modern times , this species was once widely known as the gillyflower , derived eventually from the Arabic quaranful , a clove , by way of the Greek karyophillon , the Latin caryophyllus , the Italian garofolo and the French giroflee .
9 It is derived entirely from the general meaning of car , together with the semantic properties of the context ( remember that general knowledge concerning cars and operations carried out on them is , on the view of meaning adopted in this book , embedded in the meanings of car , wash , polish , etc . ) .
10 In sharp contrast , the WEA financed its tutors through student fee income , grant-aid from the Board of Education which was derived only from the number of qualifying classes provided , and from fluctuating , unsecured donations and subscriptions .
11 Firstly , the Ulster Special Constabulary , invented to supplement the main police force , was derived largely from the former Ulster Volunteer Force .
12 Evidence of sedentary agriculture in the basin before the Purépecha arrived 1,000yrBP ( ref. 18 ) is derived largely from the presence of maize ( Zea mays ) and weedy species in the pollen record from the early Preclassic ( 3,500yrBP ) onwards .
13 the preantennal segment is often poorly defined or unrecognizable and the protocerebrum is derived largely from the ectoderm of the lateral cephalic lobes .
14 He held that this right derived directly from the Covenant of the League and the Charter of the United Nations .
15 For the sake of convenience , these are divided into two groups : benefits derived directly from the workplace and benefits derived indirectly as a result of workplace participation .
16 A good part of the difficulty is derived directly from the structure of social and cultural values discussed earlier in this book .
17 A report on this survey is attached as Appendix 1 ( some material in the text is derived directly from the computer print-out of the survey analysis , as well as from this report ) .
18 Other issues have derived directly from the study of perceptual systems .
19 Nor is it likely that rocks with SiO 2 70% could be derived directly from the mantle .
20 We conclude that rocks of the Cordillera Blanca were not derived directly from the mantle or slab .
21 They seem , rather , to function as a disturbance — admittedly small-scale — of the A section 's tonal stability ; this is a technique derived directly from the nineteenth-century Lied and piano character piece .
22 But in general it can be said that authority and direction within cultural production either derived directly from the integral social organization within which such duties were assigned , or , as in the case of classical Greek drama , were assigned within a civic organization and became , in effect , a process of tender and hire .
23 The demand equations may be derived directly from the utility maximization conditions : and the budget constraint , which ( substituting ) gives α = 1/M .
24 Stereoscopic images can be produced from such oblique views , thus improving the information content of the images by allowing terrain elevations to be derived directly from the remotely-sensed images .
25 Calculations of frequency and wave velocity of motility could be derived directly from the screen .
26 The shape of each child is not derived directly from the shape of the parent .
27 the innervation of the muscles inserted on the cervical sclerites suggests that they are derived partly from the prothorax and partly from the labial segment of the Head ( Henry , 1958 ; Schmitt , 1959 : Shepheard , 1973 ) .
28 This neatly explains why the curriculum proposals appear so simplistic and old-fashioned and constructed in apparent disregard of the professional approach of teachers , inspectors and academics , for they read the sequence in a forwards direction , each step being derived logically from the one before .
29 Some or all of the terms in an index language may be derived automatically from the text of the documents to be indexed .
30 This derived clearly from the issues raised in the Prime Minister 's Ruskin speech .
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