Example sentences of "hand out [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We were then taken to have coffee and the school secretary handed out official forms for the parents to fill in .
2 Right next to him , Mr Doran was grinning maniacally as he handed out squishy tomatoes for the parishioners to throw at their young vicar , trapped in the ‘ stocks ’ .
3 ‘ And none o' them knows the secret o' the tunnel , ’ thought Aunt Clarabel happily as she led her followers back to the Jolly Jailer and handed out free drinks to all .
4 Later , while Sybil dispensed orange juice in plastic beakers and handed out pink wafers biscuits , David joined Rachel on a moss-covered bank where she had sat down to rest .
5 THE incidence of sexually-transmitted diseases among Plymouth 's prostitutes has been cut by Britain 's only mobile Aids clinic , which hands out free condoms and needles to intravenous drug users .
6 This is great news for those of us suffering from the triple affliction of myopia , vanity and an aversion to handing out vast amounts of cash .
7 But in the end I simply cashed my travellers " cheques and dodged the fuming puddles of Times Square handing out twenty-dollar bills to selected bums , whores , bagladies and time-cripples .
8 Does he believe that that is possible in Northern Ireland , when some sections of the security services are colluding with terrorists , when they are using terrorists as agents while they are involved in terrorist activity and when some members of the security services are handing out confidential security documents as though they were pen-pal photographs ?
9 Arts Council officers are understood to be considering changing the practice of handing out separate information about the arts to the different political party conferences .
10 Two men were standing in Plashet Park handing out Anti-Nazi League placards to people arriving for the march .
11 The car was parked in front of an advertising hoarding , obscuring the health warning , while young women were handing out free Camel cigarettes .
12 That weekend , Koreans were marching under peace banners , handing out free sodas on Vermont Avenue , trying to make a fresh start in community relations .
13 Handing out free pitch repairers might help a bit , but it does n't guarantee that people will use them .
14 Customers clamour at the counter as thick as if they were handing out free tickets to Dublin .
15 Have you seen salespeople handing out free samples at public events without checking if the recipients smoke ?
16 OFF-LICENCES all over Ulster will be handing out free measures to customers next month — to help stop them getting sozzled on the sofa !
17 However , this does n't mean we should pretend to love everyone and everything , handing out pink roses to passers-by in a sentimental haze .
18 At the bottom of the argument about running state schools like a chain of McDonalds hamburger restaurants , handing out Big Mac gift vouchers to disadvantaged kids , is the issue of whether education is ultimately just a utilitarian service to the marketplace that can be understood in simple commercial language , or something more important and fundamental that warrants different treatment .
19 The coffee lady , in a green nylon uniform , pushed in her trolley and began handing out ready-filled cups .
20 The government 's Relief and Rehabilitation Commission is handing out weekly rations to about 500 people camping around the local office .
21 Two of them favoured refugees ; their conditions of work had to be at least as good as those offered to British workers , and their employers had to provide real training as opposed to handing out menial jobs to what was essentially cheap labour .
22 ‘ This time , Claudine was handing out heavy hints that I have kept her waiting too long .
23 Even the lady who stood on the corner handing out white feathers gave him an approving nod .
24 While I have great sympathy for the doctors of twenty years or more ago who did not realise the addictive effect of such tablets when they began to prescribe them , I do not feel equal sympathy for those doctors ( fortunately their number is growing less ) who still hand out similar prescriptions to their patients and then fail to monitor their progress or to help them give up the medication as soon as possible .
25 Selectors hand out harsh treatment
26 Mercifully , these days , it 's easier to avoid costly mistakes by splashing out on a large bottle of something which is transformed into ‘ Eau de Old Socks ’ by your skin 's individual chemistry : if you ask politely in department stores , many perfume houses gladly hand out miniature sample vials of their wares , enabling you to make up your mind away from the high-pressure squirtings of over-zealous tester-bottle-wielders .
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