Example sentences of "vote [prep] the government " in BNC.

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1 I am now shown correctly in Hansard as having voted for the Government in Division 15 .
2 Of the Tory Euro-rebels , 26 put principle before party and voted against the Government .
3 So the ministers in charge of the measure felt they could not bring in a guillotine or send the bill to a committee upstairs because most of the Conservatives would have voted against and , not being an issue of confidence between the parties , sufficient Labour dissidents might also have voted against the government to leave it in a minority .
4 It 'll be the first time she 's voted against the government and her former deputy Geoffrey says she 's guilty of disloyalty .
5 He was a founder member of the France-Iraq Friendship Association , and within the Socialist Party ( PS ) he led the small " socialism and republic " faction which had voted against the government in the parliamentary vote on the Gulf war on Jan. 16 [ see above ] ; the existence of this faction , together with size of France 's Arab community and the strength of its pacifist movement , had been seen as domestic factors influencing Mitterrand 's eleventh-hour diplomatic initiatives .
6 The PFL had voted against the government over pensions , despite being the leading pro-government party in Congress .
7 After the vote last night , in which 26 Tories , including Bill Walker ( Tayside N ) , voted against the Government , Labour was flagging a new amendment which it claims will put the Government on the spot over the social chapter of the Maastricht Treaty .
8 The important point , he said , was that his party had voted with the Government more often in the last decade than in the previous one .
9 Noting that Shawcross had voted with the Government in not opposing the Lords amendments on 22 July , Attlee said that he was very grateful as he knew the strength of Shawcross 's views .
10 Arthit Kamlang-ek , an influential former Supreme Commander of Armed Forces and Army C.-in-C. , had since May 1988 been leader of the Thai People party , whose 17 members had voted with the government in the July no-confidence motion , and which thus now joined the ruling coalition .
11 The series of parliamentary debates and votes leading to the congress session revealed deep-seated divisions among the opposition ; Valéry Giscard d'Estaing 's Union pour la démocratie française ( UDF ) eventually voted with the government , whereas Jacques Chirac 's Gaullist Rassemblement pour la République ( RPR ) either abstained or voted against .
12 A no confidence motion against the government brought by the BJP failed to win a majority after left-wing parties voted with the government on Dec. 21 .
13 He would have voted with the government they would have voted with him .
14 If the Liberal Democrats had voted with the Government rather than against , John Major would have been spared the embarrassment of defeat and the delay to the Maastricht Bill because of the consequential need for a report stage .
15 Plaid Cymru , which did a similar deal , voted with the Government , acknowledging that its deal did go further .
16 The total number attending was only nine less than on the question of membership of the European Community seventeen years earlier , and forty more than had voted on the Government of Ireland bill in 1893 .
17 We came out with a record recently called ’ no matter who you vote for the Government always gets in ’
18 These days , about 100–110 peers usually vote against the government , 120–140 in favour .
19 Over a hundred MPs in the House of Commons hold government posts at the present time and even the humblest of them — the parliamentary private secretaries — are almost always forced to resign if they vote against the government or even abstain .
20 The right hon. and learned Member for Surrey , East said yesterday that he would vote for the Government because the Prime Minister was clearly determined to follow a path that the right hon. and learned Gentleman favoured .
21 The right hon. Member for Finchley said yesterday that she would vote for the Government because they were following a path that she favoured — in precisely the opposite direction .
22 ‘ Our vote is rock solid , ’ said leading Euro sceptic Michael Spicer , who insisted 36 rebels would vote against the Government .
23 Ministers can not vote against the government in the House of Commons ; nor can a PPS .
24 We shall vote against the Government 's proposals .
25 Unless my right hon. and hon. Friends on the Treasury Bench can produce a new formula to deal with this problem , I shall have to support the new clauses and I shall vote against the Government .
26 The Progressive Democrats ( PD ) , the junior coalition partner with six members of parliament , had announced on Nov. 2 that it would vote against the government on the motion , tabled by the Labour Party .
27 The Labour party has announced it will vote against the Government in the Maastrict debate .
28 Five say they 'll vote against the Government , even though that is seen by some as a direct challenge to the Prime Minister 's leadership .
29 Sir Nicholas Fairbairn , MP for Perth and Kinross , warned : ‘ I would certainly vote against the Government .
30 Any chance of a Government defeat when the white paper is debated in the Commons on Monday has now been averted with even the majority of hardcore rebels threatening to abstain rather than vote against the Government .
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