Example sentences of "familiar [adv] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 We are familiar enough with the role of historical myth in Northern Ireland or in the Arab-Israeli dispute .
2 He writes in Our Lady : ‘ We are , after all , familiar enough with the tragedy of a certain feeling which is obliged to borrow its expression from the opposite feeling so as to escape from the myrmidons of the law .
3 He was , it seems , familiar enough with the nature of lesbians and gay oppression not to be surprised or swayed by this , but many of his colleagues in the Labour Party were horrified .
4 There are those who feel that after twenty years the general public should be familiar enough with the rules governing child care and child protection , but perhaps the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the Children 's Hearing system in 1991 was an opportune time to go back to its roots , to take a fresh look at how it works , and whether changes in society over twenty years point to the need for changes in the Scottish system of juvenile justice .
5 She was familiar enough with the garden by this time to return in only a few minutes with sheafs of colourful tropical blooms , and she arranged them in two big vases to make riotously informal bunches of colour that lacked classical form but would , she hoped , be pleasing to Faye 's artistic eye .
6 Those of my readers who are young enough to have been exposed to " modern mathematics ' at school , and for whom it " took " , will be familiar already with the essentials of this rather sophisticated notion .
7 Blissfully happy , she walked with Lucenzo through the crowded , music-filled streets of Venice , feeling familiar already with the funny little tunnels , the magnificent churches and pretty campos .
8 Generally , women become familiar quickly with the scent of their infants , and can recognise their baby by smell alone only a few days after birth .
9 You must have been familiar then with the books containing transcribed guitar parts from albums — and now you see your own work presented that way .
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