Example sentences of "account for [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The ACT must be accounted for on the CT61 form under the quarterly accounting procedure , under which the ACT must be paid within 14 days after the end of each return period .
2 They are accounted for on the accruals basis .
3 Relevant subsidiary undertakings joining the group are accounted for on the acquisition basis .
4 The whole of the accumulation , he said , was accounted for to the fraction of one farthing .
5 Deferred tax should be accounted for to the extent that it is probable that an asset or liability will arise .
6 Deferred taxation is accounted for to the extent that a liability or an asset is expected to crystallise .
7 Understanding the legal effect of payments is important because of the need to make sure that VAT is correctly accounted for to the Customs and Excise and to understand the circumstances in which it may be reclaimed .
8 Diary entries can be coded in a wide number of ways allowing activities to be carefully tracked and even accounted for through the built-in billing system .
9 This increase is practically all accounted for through the provision of public funds , making legal aid the fastest growing social service in Britain .
10 This ambiguity can be accounted for without the need either for two different elements enter , or two different elements again , if we regard the meaning of enter as being constituted out of more elementary semantic entities which are related quasi-syntactically :
11 Discrepancies must be accounted for during the cost value reconciliation procedure ( see Chapter 11 ) .
12 As a non-physicist I have often wondered if the difference in photon energy ( E' — E = hf' — hf ) of the shifted and unshifted light could be wholly accounted for by the effect of the surface velocity ( v ) acting together with the particle equivalent mass of the photon .
13 While it is a premium to the market , it should be more than accounted for by the property .
14 More than 60 per cent of Indian exports are accounted for by the two Tata outfits , Tata Consultancy Services ( TCS ) and Tata Unisys Ltd , which employ around 1,500 professionals in Bombay and Bangalore .
15 Part of the fall is accounted for by the pattern of transactions between Britain and the EC , but part must also reflect the cost of British borrowing from overseas investors .
16 Another third is accounted for by the goods shipped by foreign firms in America to their home country .
17 In fact the reduction in home trade is far bigger than the reduction paid out exports , and this is accounted for by the ten million reduction paid out now would give a right big fillip to trade .
18 By the time of Edward I the major part of the Forest revenues was being raised and accounted for by the sheriffs .
19 This is accounted for by the rather different procedure adopted in child sexual abuse investigations when there is an urgent need to protect the suspected victim and her or his evidence from outside pressure which may well emanate from the victim 's family .
20 This lower use of hospital inpatient facilities was not accounted for by the older age of the people in residential homes although fewer of all those aged 85 or more had spent time in hospital — 64 per cent against 80 per cent of those under 85 .
21 Although the parish register was badly damaged by fire , there still exists the Bishop 's transcript of that register in which Leapor 's baptism is recorded on 16 March 1721 ( the apparent discrepancy is accounted for by the change from old to new style calendars in 1752 ) .
22 This can partly be accounted for by the social milieu in which many of them are set , that stereotypically ‘ Cowardian ’ world of elegant hotel bedrooms where the cocktail shaker is always within reach .
23 ‘ The decline and discontinuance of the use of the surfboard as civilization advances , ’ wrote Hiram Bingham , ‘ may be accounted for by the increase in modesty , industry and religion , without supposing as some have affected to believe , that missionaries have caused oppressive enactments against it . ’
24 However , this study demonstrated that the increased prevalence of macrovascular complications was not accounted for by the increased frequency of cardiovascular risk factors including hypertension .
25 Platelet aggregation induced by endoperoxides appeared to be greater than that which could be accounted for by the endoperoxides alone , and Hamberg et al ( 1975 ) were able to demonstrate that in platelets endoperoxides are further metabolised to a very unstable compound , thromboxane A 2 .
26 Residuals can tell us about the general level of variability of data over and above that accounted for by the fit ; we can judge atypical behaviour against this variability , as measured , for example , by the midspread of the residuals .
27 The bulk , the Scaevolan cases , seem to be most readily accounted for by the textual transmission of his works .
28 Although these figures suggest some recent increase , as des Forges and Harber record only about 40 for the period 1950 to 1960 , this would easily be accounted for by the great increase in regular observations at the coast .
29 £30 million of the board 's money is accounted for by the CERN subscription , and a further £10 million goes on salaries and maintenance , leaving only £5 million for capital investment in vital equipment tailor-made for experiments at CERN and other laboratories .
30 It is argued that this difference may be partially accounted for by the higher standard of living in Sri Lanka , but also that the motives and social composition of offenders in normal times were such that depressed economic conditions did not necessarily lead to substantial increases in criminal activities .
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