Example sentences of "account for in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Very strict rules apply to those drugs which in the Act are called ‘ controlled drugs ’ ; each dose has to be accounted for in a Controlled Drugs Register , whether the drug is given in hospital or in the home .
2 This built-in tendency towards stalemate is accounted for in a number of ways .
3 These are not accounted for in the calorie figures .
4 Perhaps , it was surmised , another star had a near-miss with the sun , and supplied additional energy not accounted for in the angular momentum theory .
5 All capital instruments should be accounted for in the balance sheet within one of the following categories :
6 Where the finance cost for non-equity shares is not equal to the dividends the difference should be accounted for in the profit and loss account as an appropriation of profits .
7 How should the agreement be accounted for in the pension scheme accounts ?
8 The profit or loss on the disposal of an asset should be accounted for in the profit and loss account of the period in which the disposal occurs as the difference between the net sale proceeds and the net carrying amount .
9 Third , the number of contaminating displaced amacrine cells in the ganglion cell layer , found in substantial numbers in the peripheral retina , and accounted for in the original counts , was similar to the number of displaced amacrine cells estimated by us in a hemiretina of a monkey in which all ganglion cells had been destroyed by severing the optic tract 2 years earlier .
10 The salary of the ophthalmic photographer , depreciation of the van and camera , running and servicing costs for the van , and the cost of the film and its processing were all accounted for in the calculation of the cost of the service .
11 All these obligations were accounted for in the first recorded reference to the properties in the Company 's books on 19th April 1496 together with the £10 for John Randall the school 's first known Master , and the £4 6 8d to John Bockley , the priest at Longdendale .
12 This type of linguistic material is sometimes described as ‘ performance-data ’ and may contain features such as hesitations , slips , and non-standard forms which a linguist like Chomsky ( 1965 ) believed should not have to be accounted for in the grammar of a language .
13 We have seen how our feeling that a particular stretch of language in some way hangs together , or has unity , ( that it is , in other words , discourse ) , can not be accounted for in the same way as our feeling for the acceptability of a sentence .
14 The payment will be costed gross and any retention or cash discount will be accounted for in the financial accounts .
15 Each are accounted for in the same way : budgeted expenditure is compared with actual spending , budgeted income with actual income , and any net under- or over-spending on the vote as a whole is paid over to , or collected from , the Consolidated Fund .
16 Profits or losses arising from these arrangements are accounted for in the financial year in which the contract matures .
17 was largely accounted for in the lower ranks .
18 Keeling quoted donor agency sources as saying that at least $3,000 million was not accounted for in the recently published annual report of the Central Bank of Nigeria and speculating that the money had been spent on costly commitments such as Nigeria 's participation in the ECOWAS peace-keeping force in Liberia , the holding of the Organization of African Unity summit in Abuja in June , and the start of work on construction of an aluminium smelter .
19 A palindrome arises for reasons that have nothing to do with transformational grammar ; puns undoubtedly perform some sort of linguistic operation even though they are not accounted for in the grammars ; etymology reveals monsters more absurd than the most ignorant folk-etymology can imagine .
20 Yes er erm my instructions are that all persons are accounted for in the premises and er once they 've been accounted for er then it was safe for other officers , i.e the C I D or Superintendent to go to that yes and they would not have been allowed in had I not received instructions that the house was secure and all persons accounted for .
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