Example sentences of "account [prep] more than " in BNC.

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1 Its virtual monopoly on the allegiance of the Ovambo , who account for more than half Namibia 's population of 1.3 million , all but guarantees Swapo more than half the voters .
2 If junior creditors account for more than a third of the creditors , they can force concessions from their senior partners .
3 Some 121 countries may be designated ‘ developing ’ and of this 121 , 17 countries account for more than four-fifths of energy consumption .
4 The aim is to reduce the ranks of the young unemployed who now account for more than half the nation 's two million jobless and to give them an added skill which will help them find work when the training is over .
5 British equities account for more than half of the assets of British funds ; foreign equities are a further 20% .
6 In comparison with the Conrad passage , purely concrete nouns ( engine , wagons , colt , gorse , railway , hedge , basket , etc ) are here more frequent , and indeed account for more than two-thirds of all nouns .
7 And house burglaries and car thefts account for more than half all crimes reported .
8 In the last 15 years there has been an enormous increase in the volume of frozen chips being consumed , even although straight-cut chips for frying still account for more than half the chips bought .
9 Turnover rose 62 per cent from £120m to £193m , with sales of construction equipment accounting for more than half at £106m .
10 The plan is to create a market of 190m people , accounting for more than half the GDP of Latin America and the Caribbean .
11 As in previous years the largest single items of expenditure were debt service , accounting for more than one-third of the budget , and defence spending , accounting for 20 per cent .
12 In 1992 , achieved exports of £55.7m , accounting for more than half of the UK 's total malt exports .
13 Thus quantified , the environmental cost of oil comes to 5.56p per kilowatt-hour ( kWh ) , with corrosion and damage to buildings accounting for more than half the total and damage to crops from pollution for just under a fifth ; " old " coal burned in conventional power stations without emission controls has a cost of 5.00p/kWh ; " new " coal 1.18p/kWh ; combined heat and power ( CHP ) stations 0.45p/kWh ; nuclear pressurized-water reactors ( PWR ) between 0.32p and 0.37p/kWh ( not including effects on plants and animals ) ; and solar , wind and hydroelectric power between 0.04 and 0.07p/kWh ( not including visual impact or disruption caused by construction of dams , etc ) .
14 In a book published last year by the Royal Institute of International Affairs , ‘ Global Companies and Public Policy ’ , DeAnne Julius estimated that trade between firms and their overseas affiliates accounts for more than half of all trade between OECD countries .
15 In the region as a whole coal consumption ( much of it in India ) accounts for more than half energy consumption .
16 Education accounts for more than half most county 's budgets .
17 Suppose we get 204 , giving herd B ; the second of the systematic sample will be 204 + 293 = 497 which gives herd F. By this means we always obtain two different primaries unless one of the primaries accounts for more than half the secondaries , in which case that primary has to appear at least once .
18 The energy exporters are likely to account for more than half the growth in demand to the year 2000 and their share of consumption will increase to almost 50% .
19 In 1989 they accounted for more than a quarter of BR 's total charter-train revenue — and the trend is ever upwards .
20 The SNP needs a swing of nearly 9 per cent but the polls show the Nationalists gaining ground in Scotland and Labour and the Liberals — who accounted for more than a quarter of the vote in Galloway last time — are likely to be squeezed .
21 It accounted for more than half the structures at Chalton but at Bishopstone , where the extent of erosion was even greater and the excavation not total , there is less evidence of such planning although traces of fence lines attached to buildings were located .
22 In each of these products , Europe accounted for more than half of the world 's output ; most of the rest came from the United States .
23 It accounted for more than a third of the overall increase in recorded crime this year .
24 The number has increased gradually from 1,087,000 in 1968 , though natural increase ( excess of births over death ) accounted for more than half the rise in 1979-1980 , the last year for which figures are available .
25 Geoffrey Hillcoat , Durham County Council group traffic manager for road safety , said incidents in Darlington accounted for more than half the total cycling accidents in County Durham last year .
26 Yet it is very hard to believe that this sort of explanation can account for more than a handful of hoards , if any .
27 The government 's North Sea oil take is depressed at present but will be on a rising trend as production begins to rise again to its 1985 peak and could account for more than a third of public spending .
28 5 No subdivision of the X -axis should account for more than half the range of the X -values found in the data .
29 Although the numbers of such changes associated with moves are not large , and they can not account for more than a very small part of the differential in unemployment rates between the two groups , the sale of a large proportion of public housing to sitting tenants who are more likely to be employed than the general local authority sector population will have contributed to the increase in the unemployment rate differential referred to earlier .
30 It must be emphasized , however , that whether the criterion be the number of courses or the number of teacher-days devoted to this topic , the development of productive links with parents and the community did not account for more than a one-hundredth part of the Authority 's in-service programme during the evaluation period .
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