Example sentences of "run [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The importance of diversity in programmes and recognition of the cultures of different parts of the UK with a special service for Scotland run right through the document like letters through a stick of rock . ’
2 Cantona , the one-time enfante terrible of French football , initially went on loan to Elland Road , where his inventive attacking play — mostly as substitute — gave Leeds a powerful bonus on their run in to the title .
3 I said well we had I said I had a bit of a run in with the lady who ran it , I did n't agree that he should be compelled to do singing which she thought he should I said and we had a decided it cos he .
4 Once he had passed the southern limit of the fence , Angel One planned to angle his run in towards the highway .
5 What a shame just Mickey again out on the right hand side , Dean made a great diagonal run in behind the full back and the ball was just a little bit heavy otherwise there could 've been real danger again for Blackburn .
6 In a run down on the style of deference he anticipates ( which I note will stifle any critical point from ‘ below decks ’ ) , he talks about his length of tenure and how long it will be before he can ‘ escape back into the real world ’ .
7 In his usual way , as soon as the film started , George begin to give me a run down on the technical assets I might otherwise be missing .
8 Before I get all excited and explain how the graphics work , I 'll give you a quick run down on the storyline : Jeremy Hartwood , a painter , was found suspended by a rope in his old mansion house .
9 First there 's a run down on the basics of all terrain driving .
10 Fancy a run down to the river Orne to collect some water ? ’
11 Moreover , while there are good reasons for concern about the availability of services for ‘ revolving door patients ’ during the run down of the old psychiatric hospitals and while doubts remain over the capacity of district general hospital units to provide appropriate care to people in crisis , the relocation of the long stay population of psychiatric hospitals is achieving some successful results .
12 Such research and development within the industry is increasingly important since the run down of the research previously undertaken by the MAFF laboratories at Slough and Tolworth but no longer available ‘ beyond the farm gate ’ .
13 Having given you a run down of the main events , you can see how harmful rejection and repression can be to a vulnerable sixteen year old girl .
14 An inevitable consequence was a rapid run down in the stock of Catholic Colleges as registered student numbers plummeted to 3,000 by 1980 .
15 He made his debut five years ago and collected just a handful of caps before stringing a four-match run together at the end of last season .
16 ‘ I would like us to put a run together until the end of the season we have three games left and we have to try to be professional and win them all . ’
17 The disembarkation began immediately , and I took the opportunity of a run ashore with the others to survey our unique landfall .
18 Pat 's fly-tying classes will run right through the autumn till Christmas and resume with a new run early in the New Year .
19 A COMMUNITY care charity in north-east Essex is planning a major fund-raising fun run later in the year .
20 In the run up to the Conservative Party conference it is hardly surprising if Mrs Thatcher swallowed her intellectual objections to intervention and backed the Chancellor 's expensive efforts to defend the pound in the hope of avoiding or postponing a further increase in interest rates .
21 And it 's Daiwa Trentman Denis who is the angler all of the front runners fear in the run up to the end of the season .
22 The stock market 's recent steady performance in the run up to the water issue has helped ensure the success of the flotation .
23 One of Labour 's ‘ A-team ’ , Mr Brown has appeared on every party election broadcast and on most political broadcasts in the run up to the campaign .
24 Mr Portillo , at 38 the youngest Cabinet member since Dr David Owen , who was also 38 when he was made Foreign Secretary in 1977 , replaces Mr David Mellor , the new Heritage Minister , who presided over a significant increase in public spending in the run up to the election .
25 Speculation about the leadership had persisted in the run up to the elections — in which most commentators expected the Conservatives to perform disastrously .
26 Indeed , in the early stages of the contest much was made of the lightweight nature of the public support Heseltine received ( it was not until the run up to the second ballot , when Mrs Thatcher was out of the race , that he received public support from Lawson and Howe ) .
27 ‘ Saint and Greavsie ’ , the well known television duo , are assisting Radio Rentals in the run up to the World Cup finals .
28 Another consequence of the boom in opposition to nuclear weapons was the eclipse of the campaign against nuclear power , which was a bit odd given that the whole of 1982 was a run up to the inquiry , which begins later this month , into the plans to build Britain 's first pressurised-water reactor .
29 The German and French leaders told the Prime Minister they did not want to see him in the run up to the Edinburgh summit , which begins on Friday .
30 The Plessey takeover coupled with these collaborative ventures has radically restructured Britain 's electronics industry in the run up to the completion of the Single European Market in 1992 .
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