Example sentences of "reasonable [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is reasonable to acknowledge that women and men within one community do share a historical and cultural experience to a much greater extent than the miner and the public schoolboy .
2 Since s. 2(2) OLA 1957 requires the occupier to take such care as is reasonable to see that visitors will be reasonably safe in using the premises for the purposes for which they are invited or permitted by the occupier to be there , lawful visitors will be owed a duty only in so far as they remain within the scope of their invitation or permission to be on the premises .
3 Since it was undisputedly colonized by the Vikings , it is reasonable to assume that Baldersdale experienced a long and vivid history .
4 It seems reasonable to assume that changes in the steady-state responses , as measured in the above experiments , reflect alterations that would also affect the response to synaptically released L-glutamate ( for example , changes in the number , or conductance properties , of AMPA receptors ) .
5 The unusual nature of these counter-examples indicates that they are indeed the exceptions which prove the rule , and it is normally reasonable to assume that coins made from the same die were produced at the same time and place .
6 At one point it would have been reasonable to assume that Durham SC were staging a convention for knee and ankle supports as nearly 80 combatants rolled up for battle .
7 As the objectives for online orientation are so similar for both end-users and intermediaries , it is reasonable to assume that orientation programmes can be produced which can be useful in the teaching of both groups .
8 Given that the re-editing of the film reduced the number of title cards from 300 to 80 , it is reasonable to assume that Woolf 's intervention considerably improved the film , and that Woolf 's commercial experience provided a valuable lesson both for Hitchcock and Balcon .
9 David Hartley ( 1705–57 ) was a disciple of Locke , and it is reasonable to assume that Wordsworth , like Coleridge , had read his work while studying at Cambridge , or just afterwards .
10 If a minister clearly states the effect of a provision and there is no subsequent relevant amendment to the Bill or withdrawal of the statement it is reasonable to assume that Parliament passed the Bill on the basis that the provision would have the effect stated .
11 We have no hard evidence of the origins of language in prehistoric communities , but it seems reasonable to assume that speech preceded writing and dialogue preceded monologue .
12 It is reasonable to assume that variable overheads will only accrue if hours are worked rather than idle .
13 ‘ It might be reasonable to assume that Mr Goodhaven did n't set the trap himself , to persuade me of his innocence , ’ he said , writing ‘ Henry Goodhaven ’ on the list .
14 It would seem reasonable to assume that measures aimed at treating calculi in these patients may reduce the frequency of infection .
15 It seems perfectly reasonable to assume that people who frequently commit crime hold ‘ pro-criminal ’ values .
16 Although no reference to them exists among surviving documents , it is certainly reasonable to assume that James sired children .
17 It clearly works as a formula , and it is reasonable to assume that alternatives have been tested and found inferior .
18 Since linguistic change and rapid dialect mixing appear to be a general characteristic of urban dialects ( Labov 1972b : 300 ) , it seems reasonable to assume that insight can be gained into the processes of their formation if a set of data from a city is compared with a set from a surrounding area .
19 Certainly , it seems reasonable to assume that individuals whose temperamental make-up is more ‘ psychotic ’ , and who therefore have a greater predisposition to psychosis , will be in greatest danger of passing over the threshold into overt illness , just as those of anxious temperament are more likely to develop an anxiety neurosis , and persons whose blood pressure is more labile will carry an enhanced risk of heart attack or stroke .
20 Nevertheless , it does seem reasonable to suggest that teachers need to be aware that when tackling many writing tasks pupils will achieve a greater degree of success , both as writers and as learners , if they can work in stages , and if within these stages they have sympathetic and informed support from both teachers and peers — not , I would insist , seeking to impose a preconceived notion of how to plan or how to write , but helping pupils to discover what works best for them .
21 So it would seem reasonable to suggest that second language learners might proceed in a similar way ( cf.
22 It seems reasonable to suggest that children should in fact learn to read in more than one way — to be mainly concerned with overall sense when the going is easy , but to be able to switch to a mode where they become more aware of and attentive to the actual text .
23 It is not reasonable to suggest that hooliganism is merely inflated by the press and best treated by ‘ radical non-intervention ’ .
24 Thus , it would be reasonable to expect that populations with a high mortality rate from coronary heart disease would also exhibit a high mortality rate for colon cancer .
25 It seems reasonable to conclude that employers and managers were unlikely to have missed the message but had consciously rejected it .
26 But on the basis of evidence available now , it seems reasonable to conclude that class is not of the first importance in structuring our experiences of family life .
27 However , since joint production and ( more clearly ) joint marketing is much more likely to create the undesirable anticompetitive effects which cause concern than joint R&D is , it seems reasonable to insist that firms which propose extending joint activities beyond R&D must bear the burden of proving that such extensions are in the public interest .
28 IT would be reasonable to suppose that dreams of following Daley Thompson have inspired Anthony Brannen to take up the world record holder 's former mantle as Britain 's leading decathlete .
29 However , where exclusion from school is concerned it would be reasonable to suppose that parents are far more likely to question the decision in view of its implications .
30 Strategy , in this everyday sense , is incompatible with the abolition of the subject , and it is therefore reasonable to suppose that Poulantzas is not proposing to explain the course of the class struggle in terms of the ingenuity exercised by classes and class members in realising their goals .
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