Example sentences of "reasonable [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It might be thought reasonable to treat all cases of NSU so diagnosed when they initially present to the clinic as if they had a sexually transmitted disease and prescribe appropriate antibiotics , and , indeed , this is common practice in most clinics .
2 As earnings rank as personalty in any case and they must have had something in the way of moveables , especially those taxed on land , it is reasonable to treat all assessments as though made on goods .
3 How far is it reasonable to extrapolate these results to the non-poor is a highly debatable point .
4 To some extent , these sectoral preferences are related to ethno-religious lines of demarcation ( Boal and Poole 1976 ) ; certainly it is reasonable to view inner-city communities east and west of the river as each having a higher-status ethnic counterpart .
5 If governments acted to remove some of the existing constraints to economic growth in DRAs it would be reasonable to expect private investors to move in from outside to exploit the opportunities thus created .
6 E.g. it is reasonable to expect all pipes and tanks in an attic to be lagged ; when a property is to be unoccupied for a period particularly over the winter months , all water tanks , pipes , etc should be drained and adequate heating provided .
7 In such cases it would be reasonable to expect positive responses from the medical attendant after 8 weeks .
8 It seems reasonable to draw these strands together and to presume that considerably more than a thousand teachers are now working in off-site units .
9 Once experimental control achieved in laboratory conditions made it possible to demonstrate that the strength of specific behaviours was indeed a function of environmental events , it seemed reasonable to describe such events as reinforcers .
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