Example sentences of "bind [adv prt] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To a substantial degree agricultural history and social history are inextricably bound up with one another — demesne and common land practices , copyhold and other tenures , enclosures — and many of the books already mentioned include sections and passages which will enlighten .
2 To lose our basis in morality is to cease to be religious , for religion and morality are inescapably bound up with one another .
3 As the countries of the world , irrespective of bloc , appear to become more and more bound up with one another through the extension of transnational practices , some of which are directly identifiable as practices of global capitalism and some of which not , the fact of the global system becomes more and more obvious to ever more people , though the nature of the global system might still appear extremely difficult to grasp .
4 Hence the study of primitive culture is intimately bound up with that of primitive religion .
5 The mill 's history is inextricably bound up with that of the Wilkins family , who were involved with it from 1840 to 1947 .
6 In Zimbabwe and Zambia ( formerly the British colonies of Southern and Northern Rhodesia ) , the history of the press is closely bound up with that of South Africa , both colonies being linked to the South by economic ties , by transport and communications , and by the political pressures exerted by vocal white settler communities .
7 The same was true even for Gen von Pannwitz and some of his senior German officers in the 15 SS Cossack Cavalry Corps who , as we can see from the diaries of Count Erwein-Carl zu Eltz [ See KP 62 ] , regarded their fate as inextricably bound up with that of their men , even though they might , like zu Eltz , have found the opportunity to escape .
8 The whole question of national health is bound up with that of efficiency and output and it is impossible to rank as a ‘ burden ’ on industry or on the community an outlay which safeguards wellbeing and ( to put it no higher ) conduces to the efficiency of the machine .
9 A teacher 's choice of fiction to read with a class is inextricably bound up with that teacher 's view of what reading is for .
10 Holomisa told him that " winds of change " in South Africa had made people in Transkei doubt " the wisdom of clinging to independence " and that its future was " inseparably bound up with that of South Africa " ; he had promised to hold a referendum on this issue .
11 The reasons for these attitudes are bound up with complex and profound forces , as the preceding comments have indicated .
12 Rather it is bound up with all life 's activities whether they be social , political or economic , and it can not be divorced from morality .
13 You can not say , as the Victorians said , that this is all bound up with certain races being superior or certain classes being superior .
14 ( i ) In the case of visual and other perception , they are bound up with ordinary things-cups , rooms , and landscapes .
15 Mastery of the code of reading is intimately bound up with oral competence in a language .
16 Environmental idealism is also increasingly bound up with semi-mystical New Age concepts such as ‘ Deep Ecology ’ and the personification of the planet itself as ‘ Gaia ’ .
17 Alexandra , sorting through the enormous bundle of charitable appeals that Aunt Emily kept bound up with blue tape , asked absently , ‘ What is it ?
18 The pregnant sentence ‘ The economy of Revelation is realized by deeds and words , which are intrinsically bound up with each other ’ ( DV 2 ) challenges two basic ‘ conservative ’ positions : the fear of allowing historical development in our understanding of divine truth , and the theory of separate sources of revelation .
19 For in fact political theories , doctrines or ideologies , and political action are inextricably bound up with each other .
20 ‘ It makes you understand that you are inextricably bound up with each other and that your fortunes depend on one another .
21 It makes you understand that you are inextricably bound up with each other and that your fortunes depend on one another .
22 The exchange of raw materials and finished products in a society is an activity which is inextricably bound up with economic , social and political life .
23 The 1934 milk-in-schools scheme was thus closely bound up with wider questions of production targets , availability of supply and price fixing , supervised by the Milk Marketing Board .
24 A common theme emerging from much of the second tradition of cross-national research is that it becomes possible to examine the complex ways in which national industrial relations variations are bound up with wider processes of political and economic development , particularly the phasing of industrial development ( as in Dore 's work ) , the nature of the state and underlying class relations .
25 As with private residential care , feelings tend to run high about these trends and are bound up with personal and political preference .
26 If , as Taylor argues , professional development is closely bound up with personal growth we must question whether it is feasible to talk of institutional development .
27 This aspect of lexical choice is closely bound up with semantic relations between noun phrases in the clause : these have been investigated by Fillmore under the heading of " case " , and by Halliday under the heading of " transitivity " .
28 Not only is there dispute about the long-term effects of new technology on skill level , but there is also , closely bound up with this issue , the question of how jobs of the future will be organised .
29 A political motive was clearly bound up with this economic activity .
30 Science for instance makes its contribution by studiously avoiding social and political comment : it thus misses the way that it is inextricably bound up with dominant values , amongst them attitudes which assume ethnocentric and nationalistic positions .
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