Example sentences of "thereby [v-ing] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After Mao 's death and Jiang Qing 's fall , the ‘ moderate ’ regime of Deng accused Madame Mao and her associates in the Gang of Four of being the cause of all China 's woes , thereby sparing the late Chairman from the most bitter criticisms .
2 This reflected the view that the uncertainties then facing financial markets were such that it would be better for the chips to be cashed in — thereby realising a useful profit — rather than to bank on better times in the ensuing two to three months .
3 As between the two heavyweights , Reed and Pearson , Reed has been added to at the start of the period ( financed from the sale of Pearson shares ) ; the additional Reed shares were sold off in the autumn of 1991 , thereby realising a tidy profit for the Portfolio .
4 The whole emphasis is placed on the terms being negated , thereby reflecting a profound bias towards aggression as the norm .
5 Article 1 sets out its purpose , viz. ‘ to ensure the continuation of farming thereby maintaining a minimum population level or conserving the countryside in certain less-favoured areas … ’
6 ‘ In order to ensure the continuation of farming , thereby maintaining a minimum population level or conserving the countryside in certain less-favoured areas the list of which is … ’
7 It has two functions : ( a ) it acts as a point of orientation by connecting back to previous stretches of discourse and thereby maintaining a coherent point of view and , ( b ) it acts as a point of departure by connecting forward and contributing to the development of later stretches .
8 Secondly , in the co-ordination of this strategy , it is believed that the NRC gives policing orders to local forces , thereby overruling the operational discretion of these local forces .
9 Grains of sand stick to this fluid which helps to hold the skin to the soil , thereby helping the pupating worm-lion to extricate itself .
10 The bishop had asked whether Huxley would prefer to think of himself descended from an ape on his grandfather 's or his grandmother 's side , thereby touching the sensitive nerve of female ancestry .
11 Thus , the preamble to the Company Act , 1988 , speaks of the purpose of the Act as being to create up-to-date legal forms , thereby assisting the income-earning capacity of the national economy , the development of a market-type production and distribution system , and the flow of capital ( including foreign capital ) in the economy .
12 Update Baseline allows a user to incorporate a specified list of approved modules into a hierarchical package structure , thereby allowing a new approved baseline to be automatically defined .
13 On 1 March , 1986 , the 29.9% ceiling on the outside ownership of Stock Exchange firms was abolished altogether , thereby allowing a single non-member to own 100% of a member firm .
14 The following day Proinsias de Rossa , leader of the Workers ' Party , read sections of the advertisement out in the Dail , thereby allowing the Irish media to publish them with impunity .
15 The London Society implicitly recognises this when it goes on to argue that a DG would allow the president 's post to become part-time , thereby allowing the senior partner of a major practice to take it on .
16 Two-stage tendering , for instance , means negotiation with a contractor can progress at the same time as the production of detailed design information , thereby shortening the total period necessary in which to complete the pre-contract work .
17 In the Republican contest , in which neither Buchanan nor Bush appeared on the ballot paper , a slate of uncommitted candidates won 31 per cent of the Republican vote , thereby underlining the widespread dissatisfaction felt towards Bush .
18 Instead it qualifies the property inherent in the noun used ( see Chapter 1 ) , thereby producing a complex property which is different both from the simplex properties and from their simple sum or union ; and it is this property-complex which is relevant to the relation of identification .
19 The House of Lords , while accepting that some elements of natural justice could apply to investigations and preliminary determinations , held that an opportunity to see the counter-statement was not required : no final decision was being made and if the taxpayer could comment on the counter-statement the Commissioners would wish to comment on those comments , thereby producing an endless succession of exchanges , bringing the administration to a standstill .
20 Straw is largely seen as a waste product but treatment with caustic soda , ammonia or urea can increase its nutrient content , thereby producing an economical animal feed which could supplement existing hay and silage feed systems .
21 The Director of Public Prosecutions had conceded in June 1990 that the convictions were unsafe , thereby halting a judicial inquiry begun that March by Sir John May [ see pp. 37536-7 ] .
22 Once again , Medeva stepped in , and bought the business ( for £20m ) , thereby becoming the only commercial manufacturer of vaccines in the UK .
23 European Community ( EC ) Foreign Ministers agreed at a meeting in Brussels held on Feb. 4 to unblock an ECU146 million ( nearly US$205 million ) loan package to Syria , thereby ending a four-year freeze on financial co-operation following accusations of Syrian support for terrorism .
24 He said that the new system would give each working person in the colony a vote , thereby ending the privileged status of current constituency members .
25 I hope that this book provides others with insights , thereby enabling a scientific consensus to emerge .
26 Deliberate ambiguity , paradox and complexity are all techniques used by artists to prevent discrimination attaining complete clarity , thereby stimulating a prolonged and engrossing period of heightened activity .
27 If on the other hand , the stress is maintained , strain relief is sought by converting the excess free energy into heat , thereby stimulating the thermal motion of the segments back to their original positions .
28 In contrast , other writers abandon all pretence of detached objectivity and deliberately flaunt their presence , thereby foregrounding the subjective nature of their narrative .
29 A proper understanding of these principles enables the farmer to control the amount of air ( and thus the temperature ) in his clamp , thereby promoting the correct balance between the desirable lactic and other organic acids .
30 The second category , overall impression , involves listening to all the adjectives describing the person and thereby forming an overall impression ; ‘ [ I ] assessed the overall impression left once all the words had been read out ’ or ‘ I was not conscious of using any strategy in particular at the time , but I guess I merely listened to all the traits and tried to gain an overall impression . ’
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