Example sentences of "kiss her [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So if you kiss her on t' cheek , she 's on t' lips !
2 Then I imagine she turns round and I lean over and kiss her on the mouth .
3 Holding out her hand , her smile wide , she said , ‘ It 's good to see you home again , Martin , ’ and his answer was to take her hand and kiss her on the cheek and say , ‘ It 's good to be home , Aunt .
4 ‘ She will , ’ said the Sheikh , rising to greet his mother and kissing her on the forehead , the kiss of respect , of the younger for the elder .
5 Their eyes met , sheer delight in each other in both pairs , and then Luke was kissing her on the mouth with so much loving tenderness that she could n't speak for quite a while .
6 He grinned , kissing her with a hard shudder of emotion .
7 Anger roared inside her and she opened her mouth to tell him in no uncertain terms where to go , only she did n't have a chance to utter even one heated word , as he bent and covered her parted lips with his , kissing her with a thoroughness that left her shaken .
8 He pulled her to him , kissing her with a fierce , demanding passion that left her clinging to him .
9 And then , almost at once , his iron control seemed to snap , and he was kissing her with a frenzied , pent-up , impatient longing that was totally beyond anything she 'd ever experienced before .
10 It was all she was capable of saying for quite some time , for he had captured her lips again and was kissing her with a deeper intensity .
11 His head lowered , kissing her with a passion that took her breath away and left her trembling .
12 He would happily have stood there kissing her till the next morning .
13 As he grinned and pulled her towards him , kissing her in a gentle , careful , comradely fashion on the forehead to seal their agreement , she knew that her crush on Dr Tom Russell was over , and something else — something better and more real , she hoped — had taken its place .
14 He slid his cheek against hers and , moving with delicious deliberate slowness , he kissed her on the lips .
15 She leant over and he kissed her on the cheek .
16 She smiled when Susan kissed her on the cheek .
17 Maggie was turning away from John when , in a sudden daring movement , he kissed her on the cheek which made her start because it was so expected .
18 This time he kissed her on the lips .
19 He had hustled her out of the kitchen into the boudoir and kissed her on the lips , slipping his arm round her waist .
20 ‘ Do svidaniya , ’ I answered , and kissed her on the cheek .
21 And one after the other they kissed her on the cheek .
22 Yanto could see she was sold on the idea Then he pulled her close and kissed her on the lips .
23 Hoping desperately that she had not changed her mind , he leaned over and kissed her on the mouth .
24 Just before we left , while Dennis was in the loo , I grabbed his wife and kissed her on the mouth .
25 So I kissed her on the cheek .
26 ‘ That 's all right , ’ he said and , stepping forwards , he kissed her on the cheek .
27 There was a noticeable hesitation before Tamar rose and kissed her on the cheek .
28 He kissed her on the cheek and then , as she turned her mouth to his , on the lips .
29 He joked and playacted , then put his arm round one 's waist and kissed her on the cheek .
30 Her sons kissed her on the forehead .
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