Example sentences of "kiss [pers pn] [adv] on " in BNC.

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1 If you must , kiss them once on the forehead when they say good night .
2 If your elderly parent is , by nature , affectionate and demonstrative , always kiss her warmly on arrival , and when you leave ; for many old people are greatly deprived of essential physical contact .
3 She kisses me softly on the forehead and wraps me in her arms so securely I 'm reminded of my mother .
4 Claudia comes to greet him and kisses him lightly on both cheeks .
5 Sally came up to me , kissed me firmly on the lips and said , ‘ It 's late , Chris .
6 Jim jumped up and down and kissed me noisily on the cheek , shouting : " A goldmine , that 's what she is — a proper bloody goldmine ! "
7 Suddenly she leaned across the desk and kissed me quickly on the mouth .
8 He reached behind her head and pulled her towards him , kissing her lingeringly on her lips .
9 ‘ I 'll see if I can get tickets , ’ was all he offered before kissing her sweetly on the mouth and going inside to get some paperwork together for the meeting with his lawyer who was driving out from Palma to see him .
10 Kissing her tenderly on the forehead , he remarked sharply , ‘ What with one thing and another , I 've seen very little of you today . ’
11 He turned and embraced his surprised wife , kissing her passionately on the forehead and cheeks .
12 Two , three times , I had my pleasure of her before kissing her roundly on the cheeks , slapping her on the bottom and whispering a fond adieu .
13 She leant over the child , kissing her gently on head .
14 ‘ You 'll attend the dinner this evening as my partner , ’ he said , kissing her hard on her mouth as they neared the dressing-room allotted to her .
15 Then , before mounting , he took her chin between his finger and thumb and tilted her face towards his , kissing her lightly on the cheek .
16 He finished dressing , then came and held her by the shoulders , kissing her lightly on the mouth .
17 She reached up , and kissing him fiercely on the lips , whispered a rhyme she had made up years before : " Tristram Pascoe , Tristram Pascoe , never , never let your lass go ! " — and when they had hugged , she watched him climb nimbly over the wall and heard him jump down into the hayfield on the other side .
18 In her excitement , switching from Greek to broken English , she held him at arm 's length before kissing him soundly on both cheeks .
19 She could feel his flat , muscular strength : she could also feel his arousal as Adam kissed her firmly on the mouth .
20 Taken by surprise , she offered no resistance when he strode over and , clasping her in his arms , kissed her firmly on the lips .
21 She signed the register , still having avoided meeting Ace 's eyes , just shutting them when he kissed her chastely on the cheek .
22 Mark smiled thinly and kissed her affectionately on the cheek .
23 Alex put it on her finger with a sure movement , took her by both hands , and kissed her closely on the mouth .
24 He kissed her briefly on the lips and came into the flat , a slightly-built sandy-haired man in his mid-thirties wearing a heavy black overcoat over a sweater and cords .
25 She raised her face to him like a shy virgin , and he kissed her passionately on the lips while his fingers busily freed her of her underwear .
26 He kissed her softly on the lips , then he was walking swiftly down the path .
27 He kissed her awkwardly on the head , and patted her shoulder .
28 Jinny leaned across and kissed her lightly on the cheek .
29 He bent and kissed her lightly on the forehead .
30 I grinned at her and kissed her lightly on the cheek .
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