Example sentences of "surprising that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Since and expresses so many connective meanings and as it is so frequent in speech it is not surprising that young children sometimes overuse it in their writing , as in this piece by an 8 year old boy :
2 It is hardly surprising that political partisans claimed ( at least ) to be optimistic about their party 's chances .
3 Since many of these religious sites supported markets and periodic fairs , it is not surprising that substantial settlements developed round them , often with Iron-Age antecedents .
4 The larger the group the greater this tendency , argues Olson , and thus it is not surprising that amorphous groups such as consumers , or even economic classes , do not unite in common action to pursue their interests .
5 ‘ Evil communications corrupt good manners , ’ says a Greek proverb , and in the polarised world we live in , where name calling and counter-check is the order of the day , it is not surprising that good manners and etiquette have gone by the board .
6 And given the extensive fear of denunciation for critical or defeatist comment , it is hardly surprising that negative remarks about the speeches rarely came to light .
7 Because Nonconformists had done so well out of the changes brought about in the nineteenth century it is not surprising that increasing numbers assumed the inevitability of liberal progress to be as much part of the natural order as the law of gravity .
8 With these points in mind it is hardly surprising that international traders seek the assistance and advice of bankers in the conduct , financing and settlement of transactions .
9 It is hardly surprising that real wages rose less rapidly than productivity and hence that profitability and competitiveness improved .
10 Given the fundamental importance of demography for any assessment of a pre-industrial economy , it is not surprising that economic historians have pressed the surveys into service ( historians of medieval England have done the same sort of thing with Domesday Book ) as sources of demographic data .
11 Given that suspended particulates have been the subject of pollution control policies dating back to the nineteenth century , it is not surprising that total emissions and average urban concentrations of particulates have decreased markedly during the past few decades .
12 Having to work from different angles makes it extremely difficult to maintain an even symmetry throughout the design , and it is therefore not surprising that nomadic rugs sometimes contain motifs of slightly varying sizes ; the fact that so many are perfectly balanced and symmetrical is a glowing testament to the weavers ' skill .
13 True , it was not so spectacular as earlier assaults on it , such as the Arab-Israeli war of 1973 , so it is hardly surprising that Israeli leaders should have so contemptuously dismissed it , so patently failed to understand its revolutionary import : that , for the first time , the enemy was offering the prospect of the civilised , peaceful , negotiated settlement for which Israel had clamoured since its foundation .
14 The evolution of flight led to generally light and fragile skeletons , and it is perhaps not surprising that avian fossils are so uncommon , and when found , so often fragmentary .
15 Moreover , with such confidence in the methods of science it is not surprising that educated men of the second half of the century were immensely impressed with its achievements .
16 With positive inducements to continuous employment in one firm and severe constraints on mobility , it is hardly surprising that Japanese rates of labour turnover are now lower than in the West .
17 With rising case loads and diminishing resources , it is hardly surprising that social workers often feel they can not win .
18 Given that these viewpoints and value bases are so antagonistic , and yet rarely made explicit , it is not surprising that different groups find it so hard to trust and respect each other .
19 At first sight , it is surprising that German think-tanks should be notable for unideological pragmatism .
20 Given such a lead , it is scarcely surprising that British scientists have sought to demonstrate the practical and financial consequences of environmental events and processes ; Table 9.1 , for example illustrates their perception of the importance of global environmental research to the UK domestic economy .
21 Since historians are creatures of flesh and blood , often with passionate convictions and opinions , and since the Spanish Civil War represents a recent historical event of unusual political , ideological and emotional content , it is hardly surprising that historical accounts of the 1931–6 period often appear to lack the objectivity attainable to students of episodes further in the past .
22 Libraries with very small branch establishments have always faced this problem , and it is perhaps not surprising that Scottish libraries who face the additional problem of very low population densities and widely spaced service points , do not score highly on ‘ amount ’ of formal training :
23 It is therefore hardly surprising that Persian compositions have not only been reproduced in countless machine-made carpets in the West , but also emulated by most other rug-producing countries in the East .
24 Consequently , it is not surprising that senior churchmen were sometimes related to each other .
25 It is hardly surprising that special procedures have been devised to make provision for claims of this size , and that the way in which the county court handles such claims has been the subject of close scrutiny and criticism , not least during the recent Civil Justice Review .
26 It is hardly surprising that public libraries have been traditionally active in user education for schoolchildren .
27 It is consequently scarcely surprising that Somali men tend to be very ambivalent in their attitudes towards these women 's ailments , especially since some impatient husbands find that the best cure is often a good beating !
28 It is not surprising that single lines of trees or hedges have proved ineffective — these simply do not provide enough material to scatter or absorb much sound .
29 Given that most social work courses give a pass rate of 99 per cent it is hardly surprising that less-than-adequate workers are sometimes unleashed on the public .
30 Under these circumstances , it is not surprising that objective measurements are not commonplace in clinical practice and remain largely a research tool .
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