Example sentences of "approach from [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Only then will many of the educational tasks now being approached from a quasi-managerial perspective become the focus of properly professional processes .
2 But when the kaleidoscope is twisted , shaken , or approached from a new angle , the exact same fragments form an entirely different pattern .
3 The consultation on communication ethics , which was organised by WACC , was approached from a Latin American perspective .
4 The theme will be approached from a Latin American perspective , and representatives from some of the region 's many indigenous groups have been invited to lead one of the sessions .
5 The question of the dislocation in the literary evidence for the fifth century can be approached from a different angle .
6 The gallery is approached from the first floor .
7 Surprising though it may seem , fieldwork in a cultural context of which you already have intimate first-hand experience seems to be much more difficult than fieldwork which is approached from the naive viewpoint of a total stranger .
8 In larger schools , and at the secondary stage , the organization of spaces and necessary reservation of particular areas remains a complex job , but can he approached from a different viewpoint .
9 There were several little alleyways that he might have used and they had a man watching each one ; but then in the end he approached from the other side , not through the bazaar at all but along through the streets , the way they themselves had come on that previous visit .
10 A second group approaches from the other side and lines of girls form in the middle of the enclosure to admire and tease them .
11 While rejecting the detailed application of management approaches from an industrial or commercial environment into schools , we should not fall into the belief that there is nothing to be learned from such experience — for in the right conditions there is .
12 Well perhaps it 's the shape of the if they go in threes and the other three perhaps approach from a different stairs and it comes up , you know the type I mean ?
13 And if we can learn more about their sensitivity to ultrasonic sounds , we may finally grasp how they can ‘ know ’ that someone is approaching from a great distance .
14 I presently see a figure approaching from a hundred yards off , up the middle of the street : a tall young woman , in a close white cap , and a short frock of lilac cotton , and coarse sack-cloth apron , and strong boots .
15 For the animal-watcher this strategy only becomes obvious when , from a hidden viewpoint , it is possible to see the predator approaching from the far side of the prey .
16 As for the second , we have undermined its apparent logic by approaching from the opposite direction ; what is self-evident is that a person should prefer his reaction in fullest awareness , what would require proof is a claim that the awareness should be from all spatial and temporal but only one personal viewpoint .
17 Another orange goes bounding away up the corridor ahead of them , under the feet of one of Summerchild 's colleagues who is approaching from the opposite direction , coming back from lunch .
18 The house was double-fronted , painted cream , with a wide dusty drive approaching from the left-hand side .
19 The following day they saw a column of vehicles approaching from the wrong direction to that from which Timpson should have appeared .
20 To ask about details before establishing the general context is to approach from the wrong direction .
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