Example sentences of "commitment to [v-ing] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The postponement of the return to civilian rule — initially promised for 1990 and later deferred to 1992 — had been anticipated by opposition groups , which restated their belief in the existence of a " hidden agenda " , and cast doubt on Babangida 's expressed commitment to relinquishing power .
2 Is not it clear that the excellent record of business investment in the United Kingdom reflects the fact that business men recognise the Government 's commitment to containing inflation in the long term ?
3 I think that demonstrates our commitment to enforcing collection of the poll tax . ’
4 He believes Labour 's commitment to banning tobacco advertising and sponsorship could lead to a reduction of Rothmans employees in the North .
5 SHORT-TERM political and commercial judgments can lead to commercial advantage but threaten a long-term commitment to shipping safety and quality , said Lloyd 's Register chairman Sir Roderick MacLeod in the 1991 report published yesterday .
6 It was inevitable that the RCM commitment to accepting help from wherever it was offered would be seen by orthodox Jews as a betrayal and a challenge .
7 On the contrary , they saw the empire as the basis of Britain 's claim to world power status , and their commitment to exporting self-government — which they wrote about as if it were merely the current expression of the British administrative genius — was secondary to this .
8 The Ensemble will continue to record regularly with Virgin Classics , and apart from its expanding workload , with an increased commitment to taking chamber and small scale orchestral music to Scotland 's rural areas , will augment this season 's touring schedule in Europe with trips to Finland and Russia .
9 Such a personalized system of enforcement furthers the commitment to effecting remedy , inherent in compliance strategy .
10 Mr Gould , a prominent Euro-sceptic in the early 1980s , is likely to argue for the commitment to maintaining sterling 's value within the Exchange Rate Mechanism to be ditched , to increase a Labour government 's room for manoeuvre .
11 For employers these goals are likely to include : — a collective guarantee of jobs with training , — a continuing commitment to monitoring progress of students in Compact schools , — support for careers guidance and counselling , — the provision of Work Experience placements , and secondments for teachers , — a commitment to supporting the range of schools/industry activities .
12 Tt and I think we 've identified in a number of different factors erm er behind that , that trend and that erm i in a sense there 's , there 's the kind of distinction between the ideological approach and the pragmatic approach in that we , we 've seen there is a , I think a , a broad ideological impetus behind the reform in the sense that there is this long-term commitment to overthrowing feudalism .
13 There is this commitment to overthrowing feudalism through class struggle and there is I think this vision that under new society will be more egalitarian , not completely egalitarian
14 THE new governor of the Bank of England will take a five-year pay freeze as a ‘ personal statement ’ of his commitment to controlling inflation , it was announced yesterday .
15 Many of the younger recruits are regarded by older hands as extremely idealistic , a quality deemed more vice than virtue since too passionate a commitment to controlling pollution leads to aggressiveness in dealings with dischargers .
16 It was in response to these pressures , and more particularly its commitment to enhancing equality of opportunity and tackling the problem of underachievement , that the Inner London Education Authority ( ILEA ) set up a committee of enquiry chaired by David Hargreaves .
17 Improving Secondary Schools ( hereafter ISS ) is set within the context of the ILEA 's determination to tackle the issue of under-achievement by pupils , within a framework of a commitment to enhancing equality of opportunity in relation to sex , race and class : particular attention was to be paid by the committee of enquiry to low achievers and disaffected pupils .
18 SCHOOLS minister Michael Fallon last night underlined the Government 's commitment to tackling dyslexia .
19 But he 'd trained himself in the craft of grief with the same commitment to feigning humanity as he had learning to shiver ; his tutor , the Bard ; Lear his favourite lesson .
20 May 1990 : Bergen conference commitment to stabilizing carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) emissions by 2000 [ see p. 37444 ] .
21 We welcome the Government 's commitment to keeping finance and income support levels under review ; the Committee will examine the position from time to time , and ensure that the levels remain reasonable .
22 Yet if it goes hand in hand with a commitment to redistributing power and wealth , literacy becomes one of the tools a government can use to create a new society .
23 Both the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats have expressed a commitment to introducing legislation of this kind .
24 Key teachers who can , with training , perform a multiplier role on return to their institutions , which already have shown a commitment to introducing CALL .
25 Is not the extra £3.6 million further evidence of the Government 's clear commitment to fighting crime ?
26 Earlier he had derided Labour 's commitment to combating crime after an attack by Labour 's Derek Enright ( Hemsworth ) .
27 Associative feminist psychologies ' commitment to foregrounding secondary , neglected meanings also recalls some poststructuralist projects .
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