Example sentences of "commitment to [noun sg] as " in BNC.

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1 But in contrast to conventional psychologists ' shuddering rejection of everything psychoanalytic , feminists retain an interest in and commitment to psychoanalysis as an account of the intricacies of gendered subjectivities , and their development .
2 However , I am delighted to report that , despite these hard time , the management has shown its commitment to Pipeline as the main means of communication for LASMO employees around the world .
3 This view of our purpose prevents frustration at loss of ‘ role within the church ’ and encourages a fresh commitment to evangelism as a way of life .
4 Argan believed that art belonged to all men , which is why he battled in defence of the cultural heritage from the dark days of Fascism — to the last days of his life , proof of his commitment to criticism as an instrument of conscience .
5 Alternatively there may be a commitment to competition as the appropriate form of economic organization , either because competition is a good in itself , or because it delivers the goods .
6 There is in Freud an explicit commitment to science as a method of gaining knowledge , this being understood to include speculative thought which is then checked against systematic observations of human action and behaviour .
7 This continuing and growing investment reflects Johnson Matthey 's commitment to R&D as a vital element in its strategy for future growth and profitability .
8 Rejecting the younger officers ' professed greater commitment to prosecution as a ready sanction for deviance , the older staff claim they will negotiate whenever possible , contemplating the law as the ultimate response , resorted to with extreme reluctance .
9 The role of the Consultancy and Advisory Service is to work in partnership with local industry and commerce to raise the level of awareness and commitment to training as a key element in improving business competitiveness .
10 Roy Hattersley 's testament , Choose Freedom ( 1987 ) , emphasized Labour 's commitment to equality as the guarantee of pluralism , tolerance , and personal freedom .
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