Example sentences of "commitment [prep] [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 Management writers who emphasise the cultural properties of organisations argue that the main task of management is to integrate these subcultures into a reasonably coherent and cohesive whole , to build a corporate identity and commitment through shaping the beliefs and values which guide action .
2 From 1960 to the present the field staff in Scotland have continued to pursue their primary commitment of keeping the geological maps of the country up to date and publishing descriptive matter on the geology .
3 Our commitment towards meeting the exciting professional challenge of these new business relationships , together with our experience in project management and cost effective engineering and maintenance , has enabled us to increase our market share in most of our North Sea related businesses .
4 The Facility will aim to secure financial resources and ensure government commitment towards preventing the rhino 's rapid slide to extinction .
5 show enthusiasm and commitment in pursuing the vision ;
6 integrated team have shown tremendous enthusiasm and commitment in completing the construction to time and money against what sometimes seemed an impossibly challenging programme . ’
7 He was effectively obliged to do so when US President George Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev issued a statement on July 31 during their summit meeting in Moscow announcing a joint US-Soviet commitment toward convening the conference in October [ see p. 38320 ] .
8 Nigel said , ‘ We have also put enormous effort into improving availability , by investing in new machines , and by having a bank-wide commitment to providing the highest quality of service .
9 The principal matter discussed by Kaifu during his tour of the region was the apportionment of Japanese financial support to those states worst affected by the crisis , the scale of which was intended to demonstrate Japan 's commitment to opposing the Iraqi action , even though the country was debarred by its Constitution from any overseas military involvement .
10 Frankly the lack of a serious commitment to exploring the catastrophic drop in commodity prices which fuelled so much of the ‘ junk money ’ boom is a weakness .
11 It is a reflection of sound management and a commitment to easing the homes crises in this town . ’
12 Insiders say he has transplanted a large tract of greenery into the leaderene 's speech , which will dwell on her commitment to saving the world from global warming .
13 The following day Mandela was reported as having softened the ANC 's line , telling diplomats at a meeting in Cape Town that the deadline might be shifted if the government showed a commitment to addressing the issue of township killings .
14 Darlington Council 's housing committee agreed to make a big cash commitment to establishing the drop-in advice centre in Hammond Drive , on Skerne Park .
15 The European Commission has reaffirmed its commitment to meeting the 1992 deadline for providing legislation for a single European market in life assurance .
16 Excellent management ability , infectious enthusiasm and the personal skills necessary to motivate people and organisations to work together will be matched by a sharp intellect and strong commitment to meeting the needs of young people and of the community .
17 The Authority displayed a clear commitment to meeting the needs of children from ethnic minority groups , to combating racism , and to extending multicultural understanding .
18 Does the right hon. Gentleman understand that we very much welcome his commitment to taking the path of democracy regardless of where it leads ?
19 He failed conspicuously to do so and continues to side-step any commitment to taking the effective steps which many senior military experts believe could at least limit the damage , by calling from time to time for a mere tightening of sanctions against Serbia .
20 He sees few signs of complacency but a greater appreciation of hazards and a commitment to taking the right precautions , which he considers are the surest way of accelerating progress towards a safer future .
21 And here was Conservatism , with a do-nothing prime minister in Mr Baldwin , with an out-of-date commitment to maintaining the British Empire in a world where it had ceased to be possible or right to maintain it , so that we spent millions in building a fortress at Singapore while we spent nothing more on housing or education .
22 Prerequisite 10 : commitment to maintaining the flow of information
23 Our continued success in exploiting brands and technology worldwide is , above all , founded on our commitment to maintaining the stated values of our business which are — innovation , quality and service .
24 For employers these goals are likely to include : — a collective guarantee of jobs with training , — a continuing commitment to monitoring progress of students in Compact schools , — support for careers guidance and counselling , — the provision of Work Experience placements , and secondments for teachers , — a commitment to supporting the range of schools/industry activities .
25 In the wider context , the new Quality Framework signals our commitment to supporting the success of education and training providers as a means of developing the highly-skilled workforce on which Scotland 's future economic health depends .
26 THE BUDGET was said yesterday to present the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , with a crucial test of his commitment to reviving the Scottish economy .
27 Nor have they any legal commitment to managing the monstrous forests they created for their absentee landlords .
28 UK governments since 1976 adopted explicit monetary targets , and with the Conservative election victory in 1979 came a strong commitment to controlling the money supply .
29 Britain 's overall commitment to developing the other main potential source of diversity — ‘ renewables ’ such as wind , tides and geothermal energy — has been weak .
30 This was due largely to rationalization programmes which attempted to dispose of the smaller and unprofitable public houses , though these were offset by a continuing commitment to improving the appearance and amenities of the larger remaining houses .
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