Example sentences of "strike [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In fact you strike me as the sort of poisonous little pockmark that will always be wrong !
2 ‘ You strike me as the kind of fierce little feminist who thinks men are beneath her contempt , rapists one and all . ’
3 Béroff 's Vingt Regards was the set I first came to know well ( I vividly remember receiving it as a Christmas present the year it was first released ) and it has always struck me as the finest of all the recorded versions .
4 Grant felt a hammer blow strike him on the right breast and a searing pain in his right bicep .
5 At the point where in her first aria the prima donna expected from him an angry gesture , he exaggerated his anger so much that he looked as if he was about to box her ears and strike her on the nose with his fist .
6 John Ryan MP claimed to have seen a policeman remove a woman 's glasses and then strike her on the head ; she had appeared , to him , to be over sixty years of age and a bystander .
7 As she passed , she said , a policeman had struck her in the face with a baton , ‘ and I had n't opened my mouth to him ’ .
8 With a nervous swallow he bearded the formidable young lady at the desk at the head of the room : she had always struck him as the sort of librarian who would prefer to see all the desks in her domain empty and all the books permanently under lock and key .
9 Worse , they had lost Gooch after a ball from Moseley had reared up and struck him on the left hand , breaking a bone , although until the match was over even his team thought it was only bruised .
10 He dreamed the actual execution , including his head being separated from his body , and then abruptly woke up to find that his bed headboard had fallen and struck him on the back of the neck in the same place as the guillotine in the dream .
11 Mr Boyle was alleged to have struck him with the crowbar in a row over the sale of T-shirts .
12 Had the batsman not ducked , the ball might have struck him in the solar plexus .
13 It would have struck him in the face if at the last moment , sensing it coming , he had not ducked his head .
14 Again his mind was clouded by the heresy that had struck him after the first night in Taunton .
15 When he reached the hut Ariel had built , he found Kit Everard asleep on the threshold , curled up like a worm when a hoe has struck it in the earth , rust-pink and grimacing with his whole body , as if in pain .
16 S strike it on the edge .
17 Strike us with the rain of your arrows .
18 He often struck me as the kind of wide boy one found in England right after the war , people who made deals of the spivvier sort and did n't care who went down as long as they went up .
19 His speech struck me as the feeblest of the day .
20 What struck me about the Frankensteins was their youth , the father excepted , of course .
21 But Szasz 's observation struck me with the force of revelation .
22 It never struck me at the time .
23 It struck me at the time that there was something rather apt about such a pedestrian people developing such a pedestrian means of covert assassination — ’ He broke off to laugh at his own pun .
24 That was his word , and it struck me at the time that it was extreme language for a man of his temperament .
25 What struck me at the time about the " battle " between Bennett and Slessor was that Bennett acted as an agent for his C-in-C as well as in his , own personal interest .
26 This was the first time I 'd been into a prison and a number of things struck me during the day .
27 The thought never struck me during the game , though a few did start shouting for him .
28 Can be proved by describing the duty being performed , e.g. ‘ I said to John Brown ‘ You are being arrested for conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace ’ and was just about to hold his arm and caution him when he struck me in the face with his left fist etc . ’
29 The romance of the French Foreign Legion struck me in the same way , and especially the exhibits from Kolwezi and Chad , where there were photographs of camouflaged paras with shaved heads and sunglasses helping starving babies .
30 Lindsay Kemp : ‘ David Bowie struck me from the very beginning as being very versatile and very ‘ up-front ’ and not in the least bit naîve .
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