Example sentences of "strike [pron] in the " in BNC.

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1 As she passed , she said , a policeman had struck her in the face with a baton , ‘ and I had n't opened my mouth to him ’ .
2 Had the batsman not ducked , the ball might have struck him in the solar plexus .
3 It would have struck him in the face if at the last moment , sensing it coming , he had not ducked his head .
4 When he reached the hut Ariel had built , he found Kit Everard asleep on the threshold , curled up like a worm when a hoe has struck it in the earth , rust-pink and grimacing with his whole body , as if in pain .
5 Can be proved by describing the duty being performed , e.g. ‘ I said to John Brown ‘ You are being arrested for conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace ’ and was just about to hold his arm and caution him when he struck me in the face with his left fist etc . ’
6 The romance of the French Foreign Legion struck me in the same way , and especially the exhibits from Kolwezi and Chad , where there were photographs of camouflaged paras with shaved heads and sunglasses helping starving babies .
7 If lightning did strike me in the same minute , it would be treated as a miracle .
8 ‘ He struck her in the face and told her to move over .
9 Mark turned , just as the dogs took off together in a huge leap which struck him in the chest , knocking him backwards into the boot where he sat , legs dangling , with both arms wrapped around the excited dogs .
10 Mr Reagan was showered by shards of glass , including at least one that struck him in the face , but was unhurt .
11 As he raised his binoculars to scan the coast , the wind struck him in the face .
12 ‘ He came over incensed , accusing me of hitting the ball that struck him in the testicles … it 's a reflection of the degree of tension . ’
13 The club struck him in the stomach again , dripping him to his knees , and there was a sudden crack that seemed unnaturally loud in the silence .
14 Luck playing a somewhat greater part in the matter than judgement , the bullet struck him in the calf , tore through the muscles there and exited , spattering the wall behind with blood and pink tissue .
15 Walsh crudely hacked down Kay but referee Peck had to send off the Sunderland player , who tried to grab Walsh and struck him in the face .
16 I struck him in the chest and sent him reeling .
17 If one knight became separated from the rest of his team he might find five or six opponents all bearing down on him at once , and one of them might strike him in the back .
18 She beat at him with her fists , striking him in the face , making him jerk back his head .
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