Example sentences of "stare at a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They paused to stare at a cistern hanging on the wall next to a wash basin , the rest of the house having disappeared .
2 But something did delay her ; she stopped and stood to stare at a marvel of nature , so strange as to suspend belief .
3 In other words , for a human being to stare at a cat is to threaten it .
4 Startled , George turned his head to stare at a woman who was standing up somewhere in the middle of the tight-packed rows of the audience .
5 He had only a second to stare at a page before setting off various alarm spells , but that was time enough for one spell to leap from it and settle in his memory like a toad in a stone .
6 Up in her booth , a puzzled DJ stares at a machine with nothing on it , shrugs and puts on a current hit to get things moving once again .
7 He stares at a prance of spray
8 If you stare at a Rottweiler it thinks you are challenging it and goes for you immediately , knocking you down and tearing your throat out .
9 Surrounding himself with local knowledge was a form of entrenchment ; if you dig in and stare at a hill you can often persuade yourself you know what 's going on behind it .
10 He followed her eyes but found she was only staring at a door .
11 A tall , thin man stood staring at a stone wall , as if waiting for an answer to a question he had put to it .
12 Staring at a bottom
13 And staring at a scene that , at first sight , made the annals of ancient Rome look like a Sunday School picnic …
14 Now they are more likely to spend their time sitting in front of the television , watching videos or staring at a computer screen .
15 Suddenly I awoke to the fact that I was staring at a tree on the other side of the road and that this tree was green and delicate .
16 ‘ Zack old buddy , I am staring at a fruit-bowl , a big bowl , and you know what ?
17 At home , I mooched about in a pair of basketball boots mended with a bicycle repair kit , eating ketchup on bread , and staring at a wart on my finger the size and texture of a tiny cauliflower .
18 After we had been locked in I spent the evening making preparations with Malleson 's help : sewing on buttons , dubbining my boots , making a pillow case into a rucksack and staring at a map with unreal names on it like Danzig and Berlin .
19 He settled down with a dance student called Jane , then ‘ one day I was sitting with her in a train station and I realised I 'd been staring at a bloke for about ten minutes ’ .
20 Maxie was still staring at a half cup of coffee .
21 She was staring at a party of five men , heavily armed , who had appeared from behind a rock pile and now stood , several metres away , pointing machine guns at us .
22 He brought the car to a halt outside her flat and they sat motionless , staring at a group of boys who were playing on skateboards .
23 He was staring at a photograph of the whole dead group .
24 Many of the programmes do little to stimulate the mind and sitting in a chair staring at a screen is not too good for the body either .
25 In the deep of the space station , Lacuna was staring at a screen .
26 Meanwhile , the Swedes claim to have discovered a cure for the sore eyes caused by staring at a screen all day which does n't involve putting any kind of filter or screen over the monitor .
27 I was staring at a woman I thought of you .
28 We sat impatiently waiting , staring at the television like cats staring at a mousehole .
29 After five minutes of staring at a woodblock of a hero , who looked remarkably like Marc himself , chopping his way through the briar thicket towards the sleeping princess , Sarella slipped the book back in its place and continued her explorations .
30 It was just that everything seemed too close , like staring at a light bulb .
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