Example sentences of "stare at each [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We stare at each other for quite a bit — me and this pigeon .
2 We stare at each other .
3 They stood an instant , staring at each other .
4 We seemed drowned in dusk ; two men staring at each other .
5 We remained staring at each other .
6 We must have stood , the three of us , staring at each other for nearly half a minute .
7 They stood there for a few more seconds , staring at each other .
8 Jancey and Rachel quit staring at each other .
9 ‘ Oh … = ’ they said together , staring at each other .
10 We both drank , staring at each other .
11 Staring at each other while having dinner or being at a party , then go home , go to bed and talk .
12 She had turned to him now and they were staring at each other .
13 With that he turned and marched from the kitchen , leaving Rachel and her mother staring at each other .
14 He did n't even try to kiss her , which was very noticeable , as they spent most of the evening staring at each other , feeling electricity crackle between them every time they accidentally touched , and , by the time Rachel left , her stomach was clenched in a knot of intolerable excitement .
15 They stared at each other , momentarily united in recognition of the difficulties .
16 Graham looked back at him , and for a moment they sat and stared at each other .
17 When he came to Noreen , Paddy stopped , and brother and sister stared at each other .
18 In the slightly embarrassed silence that lasted while the two groups stared at each other through the wire , there were occasional calls of recognition .
19 When I arrived at the Demob Centre , I sat around in a bare hall for what seemed like a couple of hours , with two or three hundred other Waafs , and we stared at each other without interest .
20 A wave passed , so high that its spray burst against a side porthole as they stared at each other .
21 They stared at each other in hostile silence .
22 They stared at each other for another ten seconds , then McGowan smiled .
23 Ellen caught my eye , and we stared at each other for a sympathetic fraction of a second , then I looked away to see that the sticky liquid had sprayed across the teak planks .
24 The same inactivity seemed to apply on the wider front , with the two armies static , no assault on the fords , where opposing guardians stared at each other across two hundred yards of water .
25 Mother and daughter stared at each other .
26 We sat and stared at each other , Sayeeda and 1 .
27 They stared at each other for a moment before Mick added , ‘ You 've never seen Carrie for years , have you ? ’
28 They stared at each other for a moment in tense silence ; then gripping the aide of the bedclothes , he swung them upwards and exposed to his amazed gaze her grey outdoor coat .
29 They stared at each other in the lamplight , then she sighed and said , ‘ Well , it is n't always hereditary ; it misses generations , so I understand . ’
30 They stared at each other ; then , his tone changing , he said , ‘ What 's goin' to happen to the young 'un if the mother goes along the line ? ’
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