Example sentences of "stare at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As we continued to stare at the sea , racking our brains about how to go for a swim without a costume , our thoughts were answered by a voice from just behind us .
2 Nell continued to stare at the sea for a very long time .
3 They were both astonished and Lomas stopped for a moment to stare at the floor .
4 He bent down to stare at the floor .
5 ‘ I expected no better , ’ said Herluin bitterly , and took the broken box in his hands to stare at the damage .
6 Silence spread slowly across the supper tables as the hundreds of guests turned to stare at the Rifleman who , in turn , searched the supper tables for a particular person .
7 He continued to stare at the ground as she added , ‘ I 'm just wondering who might have had a motive for killing him . ’
8 The tweed-coated figure continued to stare at the page of the book to the left of his plate , ignoring his companion .
9 Instead , he turned away to stare at the picture of her mother which was on the chest of drawers .
10 The Prince shook an admonishing finger at the Rifleman then took out his telescope to stare at the battery of French guns .
11 The two of them continued to stare at the group .
12 He raised his right hand to silence her and continued to stare at the tabletop before him , head cocked to one side .
13 She told him she was too busy to attend to the matter , whilst the guests gave up all pretence of looking at the pictures to stare at the intruder .
14 Two technicians , the only other occupants , turned to stare at the intruder .
15 We continued to stare at the corner of the field for some time , expecting to see some movement .
16 He swung round to stare at the spot where the barrow of ‘ Trumper , the honest trader ’ had stood for nearly a century , only to find a gaggle of youths warming themselves round a charcoal fire where a man was selling chestnuts at a penny a bag .
17 She would have been quite content simply to stare at the house for hours , and she was still sitting there when Alain opened her door and bent to look in at her .
18 Wide-eyed , her throat suddenly dry , she turned her head to stare at the length of his body .
19 He laughed wryly , walking over to the window to stare at the view she had enjoyed such a short time before .
20 You 're not in prison — you do n't have to stare at the walls .
21 The rain having petered out for a while , we all went out to stare at the sunset , about which the two poets made lurid remarks .
22 Smallfry walked with him all the way to the playground , where the other children bunched together in little groups to stare at the absentee and his beautiful mother .
23 How could he be so offensive as to stare at the chap 's disfigured face , he wondered .
24 stops , stares at the clock
25 He stares at the door and his eyes lose focus .
26 She just stares at the floor and rocks .
27 While the ebullient Tim chunders on about anything — switching from astute frontman to village idiot at the twist of a phrase — bassist Martin balefully stares at the floor looking ever more intense and occasionally thundering through a paragraph of bile .
28 While the ebullient Tim chunders on about anything — switching from astute frontman to village idiot at the twist of a phrase — bassist Martin balefully stares at the floor looking ever more intense and occasionally thundering through a paragraph of bile .
29 It stares at the windowlight and can not make it out .
30 He stares at the streets near him and hopes the grief he sees there is something that happens to other people .
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