Example sentences of "stare [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 Ellie said nothing , deciding to stare down at the polished wood floor instead .
2 When he craned to stare down at the crowds in the great square below the palace , his head moved so that it rested upon the parapet like a decoration .
3 Moving back to the bridge , she halted for a moment to stare down at the sluggish water , and the wavering reflection thrown back at her made her feel like weeping forever .
4 ‘ Yes , I most certainly do ! ’ he told her before turning back to stare down at the flushed features of his wife .
5 Then he turned and went out , leaving Ellie to stare speechlessly at the most money she had ever seen in her life .
6 She swung round to stare wordlessly at the driver of the utility truck , who now leaned nonchalantly in the doorway .
7 The Maggot said with inappropriate exultation , then twisted his head to stare back at the island .
8 Beyond the glass there was a sporadically placed ring of guards and dogs who seemed uncertain as to whether to stare back at the distorted press of faces at the glass panes , or whether to watch instead the spiral column of smoke and the flames that played at its heels .
9 As she finished her breathing was ragged , her eyes darting from the newsprint to stare unseeingly at the people pushing past her into the Metro and back to the newsprint again .
10 The door was opened almost immediately by a tiny grey-haired woman , who looked past Collins to stare hard at the two strangers standing behind him .
11 It was as though a voice had actually said the words aloud , and she moved sharply and leaned against the window to stare blankly at the room .
12 You worked for him , ’ she prompted when Mrs McMahon only continued to stare worriedly at the package .
13 I had to think of her seeing the copy of my cock on Monday , I had to think of her first thinking , ‘ Golly , what a nut ’ , and then finding she had to stare uncontrollably at the specific image of my cock , boyoing , had to file that image away in a secret file folder where she filed away all my asterisk memos , and that some night working late , she 'd reach her long arms down to that drawer and bring out the asterisk file and go through the pages , asterisk after asterisk , until she found my cock .
14 Watching him stare gloomily at the table , Lucy said impulsively , ‘ Perhaps I could help .
15 I stare glumly at the coinbox .
16 If the prey looks up and stares straight at the lion or tiger , the big cat looks sheepishly away as if suddenly indifferent to the whole business of predation .
17 I used to walk between the two parts of the building — that is between my studio/study and the main house — and stare up at the pulley that hangs over the hall , an imitation of the one that hung there in the days when a real miller hoisted his sacks of grain .
18 Only stare up at the gaping hole in his cage and feel the terror of the sky beyond and look at where the broken end of the great branch that had fallen spiked out into the wild sky above as if broken part lay about him , its smaller branches and torn bark fretting on the cold wind .
19 Float on my back a bit and stare up at the stars . ’
20 Through sea-sized eyes that are crusted with rheum and asteroid dust He stares fixedly at the Destination .
21 Her eyes are hot , she stares out at the water , at the summerhouse .
22 Hale 's eyes stare knowingly at the viewer , a human sacrifice to an alienated and consumerist culture .
23 Nobody listens but instead they stare out at the countryside , the classic English landscape .
24 When listening to someone talking , a Dowayo stares gravely at the floor , rocks backwards and forwards and murmurs ‘ Yes ’ , ‘ It is so ’ , ‘ Good ’ every five seconds or so .
25 I stare again at the saddlebag , feeling sick .
26 Unexpected , it was like a surprise confrontation , and for a moment she could only stare blindly at the familiar name .
27 " Just look at them limbs ! " breathed Con , staring rapturously at the dog 's muscular thighs .
28 With difficulty I raised my gaze to her face , staring dazedly at the soft abundance of her mouth , the petal-perfect skin , the powerful femaleness that radiated from her eyes .
29 After Rose and the boy had gone to bed he sat on his own by the raked fire , sitting motionless , staring down at the floor .
30 She sat down on one of the red spoon-shaped chairs in the station foyer and placed her feet neatly together on the black and white tiles , staring down at the shoes Nurse Rose had so gushingly admired .
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