Example sentences of "attempt [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As general election campaigns got under way Andreotti on March 18 issued a communiqué to Italy 's 92 civil governors warning that certain forces were attempting to disrupt the electoral process .
2 It is clear that both earnings per share and PE ratios can be dubious quantities , yet investment analysts make extensive use of both in attempting to estimate the true values of firms and in making comparisons between firms .
3 In this case it was a jury of 12 which , by its verdict , appeared to be commenting on the legitimacy of governmental action in attempting to mislead the Foreign Affairs Select Committee about the circumstances surrounding the sinking of the General Belgrano , an Argentinian warship , during the Falklands Campaign in 1982 .
4 On a more pragmatic , but related , issue , students were finding it harder to ‘ pass ’ inference skills IN 1–3 , than IN 4–6 , and since this had important implications for their grading , I was attempting to remediate the early skills on an ad hoc basis with some non-subject-specific pencil and paper exercises .
5 When the bluff failed , it is hardly surprising that no-one seriously considered attempting to implement the general strike against war .
6 Everything below , we were sure , was exactly as it would have appeared in centuries past-apart from one major anachronism , a bright yellow construction crane , which was attempting to plant the last monolith in the stone circle .
7 ‘ In my opinion , attempting to replicate the past success of Amstrad by gambling on product ideas and building up large stocks in the hope of achieving ‘ blockbuster ’ sales would be putting shareholders ' funds at risk and demoralising for me . ’
8 But his main preoccupation during the latter part of his life was in attempting to obtain the public recognition which he felt he had been denied .
9 In it you made no mention of the way in which some Third World leaders are attempting to redress the political imbalance between North and South by resorting to the terrorist tactic of hostage-taking .
10 The office is attempting to establish the best way to encourage more competition in the industrial market following the agreement with British Gas .
11 " Locke is attempting to establish the proper source of authority for any government .
12 Some conservative councils were reportedly attempting to circumvent the non-racial regulations by charging high entrance fees for facilities including libraries and swimming pools , or by declaring township dwellers to be non-residents and therefore ineligible .
13 She will not respond except to indicate that you are a chancer or a smoothie who is attempting to circumvent the proper rules and procedures .
14 I looked out of the window to see my parents , attempting to repair the temporary lean-to , which was used until our garage was built .
15 These models develop continuously while attempting to modify the external situation ( physical or social ) .
16 They are not attempting to modify the existing law in ways which would help the prosecution .
17 In that early work , memorably presented on TV and radio , we see a monolithic state organisation attempting to replace the existing vernacular with a synthetic language , Ptydepe , that will iron out the ambiguities and imprecisions of everyday speech .
18 The problems for discussion and solving have been designed to encourage students to discuss the issues before attempting to answer the technical side of the problem .
19 Attempting to crank the last iota of abandonment out of an intrinsically empty and mechanical experience .
20 He concentrated entirely on opera seria , attempting to engage the acknowledged leader among Italian opera composers , Niccòlo Piccinni ; he was even prepared to allow Piccinni a rare concession , his own choice of libretto .
21 There were compensations ; more so than Kent , Sussex was brought into the embrace of the ‘ law givers ’ , kings attempting to codify the wide variety of regional customary differences to give an element of stability to Saxon society .
22 Muwaffaq al-Allaf , head of the Syrian delegation , accused Rabin of attempting to destroy the whole peace process with his accusations .
23 He then flew to New Hampshire where he spent the day on the campaign trail attempting to counter the growing challenge of right-wing commentator Pat Buchanan , although he declined to refer directly to his rival .
24 The women also include the former world champion Ann Hughes , who is attempting to recapture the lightweight crown .
25 In fact , neither side was at first attempting to reach the defensive flank of the North Sea ; rather , each was hastening to get around the enemy 's northern flank in the only area where mobile warfare was still possible on the Western Front .
26 Clubs attempting to sack the professional and take over the shop to earn revenue can expect no support from those in the business .
27 Two particular issues of which we take account in attempting to refine the simple hypotheses are , first , that any single technology is probably , of itself , not sufficiently important to affect firm performance to any large extent , and second , that potential adopters of new technology differ from each other in various important dimensions and thus the ‘ best ’ adoption date for one firm may differ considerably from the ‘ best ’ adoption date for another firm .
28 The latter point has of course long been recognised in academic psychology and from the 1950s onwards considerable effort was expended attempting to identify the unique features of creativity .
29 We are now attempting to identify the worst components of the transportation procedure to make recommendations for improvements in the design of lorries or in driving or handling practice .
30 Tolkien 's story , The Lost Road , seems to be the only example of his attempting to depict the twentieth , , in legends and lost tales of the old world , Alboin and Audoin by name .
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