Example sentences of "associate with [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The " we-group solidarity which we associate with the intimacy of kinship , in the sense just described , tends to ramify outwards through the whole social system .
2 The arguments over the significance of organic relationships that we normally associate with the debate over Darwin 's Origin of Species were being fought out in the natural-history museums and anatomy schools just when Darwin himself was first beginning to develop his evolutionary theory in the late 1830s .
3 But there remains a commitment on the part of the police to the principle of improving police relations with the Catholic community , and they try in several ways to overcome the practical difficulties schools are presented with when they associate with the community relations police .
4 All these questions are concerned with what many people associate with the term discipline — as it affected them .
5 Documents= : File extensions that the File Manager will associate with a document .
6 But Wolf 's concern for " stimulus " and " suggestion " was , ultimately , a means to an end that might be defined very much in terms of " knowledge " and not at all in terms of cultural purpose such as one would associate with a figure like Lessing .
7 For example , now that autumn is fading and the leaves are carpeting the ground in a tapestry of brilliant colours , just as one imagines that winter is only a clear night sky away , along come some plants which we might all associate with a spring display .
8 These lines illustrate the sententious moralizing that the eighteenth-century reader would associate with the stanza , and look forward to its even more emphatic use in Elegiac Stanzas ( p. 140 ) .
9 By then the market place accommodated seven annual fairs ( three for horses and four for cattle , cheese , cloth and leather ) in addition to the weekly Saturday market , and all about the central area the full variety of shops , inns , businesses and workshops that one associates with a market town were to be found .
10 Lax strokes against India last winter led to an unexpected blip in his Test fortunes , but then predictability is hardly a word one readily associates with the man whose one-time monicker , ‘ Afghan ’ ( the forgotten Waugh ) , should now be transferred to brother Steve .
11 He listened to the throb of the ship 's generators , a noise he associated with every ship he had travelled on .
12 Callistus had publicly accused him of being a ditheist , and used language offering cover to those ( soon associated with a presbyter named Sabellius ) who held that Father , Son , and Spirit are names for one God under different aspects .
13 4 Stieglitz immediately revealed that he comprehended the drawings in terms of qualities that he associated with a woman , but he also believed ( or came to believe ) that their imagery described a very specific dimension of O'Keeffe 's femaleness — her sexual nature .
14 The document said the Commissioner was in no doubt he had breached Garda disciplinary regulations in that he associated with a prostitute at Wilton Place , Dublin , on April 16 , 1992 .
15 When the procedures associated with a form have been completed , the form should be logged as Completed .
16 Now those honest grey eyes , which I associated with the moon , were furtive and unkind .
17 We explored what women associated with the word ‘ fat ’ or ‘ thin ’ .
18 As the factors associated with the presence of these hypersensitive sites are not limiting , recent advances in in vitro footprinting ( 61 ) should permit the dissection of which particular proteins are binding to the DH site sequences indicated in this work .
19 ‘ Probably a touch of heartburn which you associated with the lump because you were worried about it .
20 However , I endorse my hon. Friend 's suggestion that the SERPS entitlement accrues on earnings between the lower earnings limit and the upper earnings limit and that the Labour party 's proposal to scrap the upper earnings limit for contribution purposes is associated with no increase in benefit for those persons .
21 It is associated with a phenomenon known , somewhat inelegantly , as upwelling .
22 Despite the stigma and stress associated with a court case that threatened him with jail , he has so far managed to score 17 goals for Brentford in the First Division this season .
23 This seems an apt description of the defensive strategies associated with a racism of relative affluence caught at a particular moment of its crystallization .
24 This is associated with a reduction of freedom for the former group and increasing personal access to motorised transport for the latter .
25 In these patients a reduction in opioid is associated with a reduction in hypersensitivity and in the pain .
26 In four patients with positive hydrogen breath tests treated with oral metronidazole ( 400 mg three times daily ) for seven days , fasting and post sucrose breath hydrogen excretion decreased to normal values of less than 12 ppm , which was associated with a reduction in faecal fat excretion in all four patients from 77.5 ( 8.4 ) ×10 - 3 to 57.7 ( 15 ) g fat/g stool/24 hours×10 - 3 ( p=NS ) .
27 Administration of sodium bicarbonate while reducing faecal fat excretion was not associated with a reduction in faecal bile acid losses and in vitro studies have failed to show an inhibitory effect of unhydrolysed triglycerides on ileal bile acid absorption .
28 They anticipate that OC use will act like pregnancy on breast cancer risk and thus be associated with a reduction in risk at older ages , It would be a great relief to young women now if there was indeed such a decreasing risk .
29 In some cases this is probably because the cause of acute renal failure itself was associated with a degree of permanent damage , and elderly people ( who formed the bulk of our patients ) may have less renal reserve and be less able to make a full recovery after an acute insult .
30 These results suggest that idiopathic constipation is associated with a degree of autonomic denervation .
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