Example sentences of "contribution to [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And this from a man whose more serious moments have spawned a folk opera about the island of Lewis and tuneful contributions to charity cassettes .
2 Irrespective of charges , there is a discernible trend toward higher parental contributions to state education .
3 It consists of the following three components : ( 1 ) Benefits which have to be paid to the unemployed : these include unemployment benefit , supplementary benefit , housing benefit , government contributions to redundancy payments and payments to those men aged between sixty and sixty-five who no longer register as unemployed .
4 They have to come to terms with the fact that there is a rival in the camp , a rival they would both love to remove but hate to lose because of his separate contributions to home life .
5 I must again express my thanks to all those who have contributed to this exciting Development Programme , through response to the Consultative Paper , participation in pilot and consortium developments , contributions to unit writing groups and attendance at seminars .
6 Recognition of the importance of Field Chair contributions to course evolution was achieved by designating one MCC meeting per term as a development meeting .
7 Without quantum theory there would be no genetic engineering , no solid-state computers , no nuclear power stations ( or bombs ) ; even Albert Einstein 's Nobel prize was for his pioneering contributions to quantum theory , not for his ideas on relativity .
8 But volume four takes us right back to the peak with a marvellous account of Dirac and his contributions to quantum theory — hardly surprisingly , in view of Mehra 's previous involvement with Dirac and celebrations of his work .
9 In the recent research selectivity exercise , major contributions to computer methods and the creation of publicly available datasets which emanated from within history departments across the country , counted for little if anything .
10 ‘ Frank Naylor being presented with the memorial award for making most contributions to Guardian diary competitions without having any printed . ’
11 But they are interested in the subversive power of unconscious sexuality , recognize the explanatory value of unconscious processes , and see psychoanalytic descriptions of psychosexual development as contributions to socialization accounts of dominant gender roles .
12 Pople is widely known for his contributions to bonding theory and the development of computer programs in quantum mechanics .
13 monies owed by the company as contributions to pension schemes ;
14 Some countries give tax relief on contributions to pension funds , others on benefits .
15 We failed to offer proposals that could have been equally appealing but more constructive — such as more control over lifetime contributions to pension funds , greater stakes in enterprises through measures like employee share plans , more extensive rights as employees .
16 Birmingham was quite independent of the party and as late as 1929 was not afraid to show its independence : in that year Neville Chamberlain complained bitterly when he discovered that the Party Chairman had written to businesses in Birmingham for contributions to party funds , for this was regarded as poaching from local preserves .
17 All were victims of a year-long bribery scandal in which dozens of politicians stand accused of demanding contributions to party funds in return for lucrative public works contracts .
18 The exploration and production operations in the USA , which were sold during 1992 , made contributions to Group turnover of £35 million [ 1991 £18 million ] and operating profit of £8 million [ 1991 £1 million ] .
19 The Highlands is in line for priority Objective I status funding which could offer 75-85 per cent contributions to infrastructure projects .
20 Having made that preamble , my hon. Friends will be relieved to know that my contributions to Report stage will be solely in queston form .
21 ( c ) Goodwill Before the Finance Act 1956 and the introduction of tax relief for contributions to retirement annuity contracts for the self-employed , outgoing partners in solicitors ' firms invariably relied upon being paid out for their interest in the firm 's goodwill as the principal means of providing for themselves and their families during their retirement and after their death .
22 Few Voices , Many Worlds contains a review of NWICO since 1990 , a profile of the late Seán MacBride 's contributions to world peace , the Statements of the MacBride Round Table on Communication , and statements from WACC-sponsored meetings in Manila and Lima .
23 On international relations Jiang said that China would continue to develop relations with foreign countries " in seeking a favourable international environment for its reform , opening up and modernization " and to " make contributions to world peace and development " .
24 The evident plagiarism which underlay her ‘ prodigious ’ contributions to polymer science was too obvious to require special demonstration except to the inquiring scientific minds of the committee of the Royal Society of Chemistry which elected Elena Ceauşescu to its membership .
25 The course is designed to provide members of the professions allied to medicine with the scientific skills , knowledge and their appliction to relevant clinical practice in their field in order to be better able to evaluate their effectiveness of their contributions to health care services .
26 evaluation of required operator decision making and the optimum balance between the human and automatic contributions to safety actions
27 The Registered Visiting Students enriched our experience by their contributions to College life and we were delighted to welcome back Emma Sky who went out to fly back with Mona Wahbe , from Gaza , who is sponsored by the Oxford Student Scholarship Fund and is famous for her sparkle and animated use of English .
28 The government has promoted the small firm and the enterprise culture as important contributions to workforce flexibility , and the restructuring process .
29 He is probably widely remembered today not for his important contributions to number theory , but as the teacher of Albert Einstein and the man who showed how the theory of relativity could be interpreted as the geometry of four-dimensional spacetime .
30 The Weberian concept of bureaucracy is perhaps the most explicit statement about the purposive and rational nature of organization , and has been the starting point for many major contributions to organization theory .
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