Example sentences of "fair [conj] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 president 's page Fairer and faster ways of dealing with misconduct
2 It may be that the Sri Lankan system of crime control was more fair than most others , that it did not discriminate against those least able to defend themselves , and that the ‘ real ’ profile of Sri Lankan lawbreakers was not much different from those of other societies .
3 ‘ But it is n't fair that two drivers can race hard for almost three hours , and then be disqualified because a mechanic took a microsecond too long to close a valve . ’
4 First , is it fair that bad employers should effectively be subsidised by the state ?
5 There may also be ethical and social objections to the absence of competition : it is simply not fair that large firms or cartels should be able to oppress smaller competitors and/or customers by charging prices that greatly exceed the costs of supply .
6 It really is not right or fair that legislative provisions of real substance should be not only practically inaccessible but should be left in the hands of some virtually unsupervised departmental draftsman .
7 Therefore what is now called corporate this other income is the erm basically head office cost , there 's things like profits on from our captive insurance er dividends which we did n't have it in fact last year we did the year before from Blackpool land , small profits from the sale of some shares at Fair and other odds and ends which I erm really do n't make up a great deal .
8 In the wake of the Wall Street Crash Congress enacted a plethora of legislation aimed at ensuring fair and orderly markets .
9 That is less than just , since many overseas-owned firms are fair and decent employers , just as some British companies are not .
10 Objective : To co-ordinate and unify petroleum policies among member countries in order to secure fair and stable prices for petroleum producers ; an efficient , economic and regular supply of petroleum to consuming countries ; and a fair return on capital to those investing in the industry .
11 Objectives : To co-ordinate and unify petroleum policies among member countries in order to secure fair and stable prices for petroleum producers ; an efficient , economic and regular supply of petroleum to consuming countries ; and a fair return on capital to those investing in the industry .
12 Did it accord with legitimate expectations of fair and reasonable persons or was it a high-handed exercise of power of a kind more to be expected of an authoritarian government than one guided by and subscribing to principles of limited government ?
13 ‘ We are committed to fair and reasonable prices , but what is fair and reasonable ? ’
14 They had excuses , or as they preferred to describe them , fair and reasonable explanations , for all the problems which had beset the Dublin plant .
15 In the event of any Related company ceasing to be so related then ( unless the requisite rights are duly assigned to it by such Party by agreement ) each Party undertakes on request to grant to it continuing rights of a similar nature on fair and reasonable terms .
16 Fair and accurate reports of proceedings in Parliament are expressly exempted from the operation of this Part of the Act , which also does not apply :
17 At common law , all fair and accurate reports of Parliament and the courts are protected by qualified privilege .
18 Part I privilege extends to fair and accurate reports of : Commonwealth Parliaments Conferences of International Organisations , of which Britain is a member or is represented Proceedings of international courts Proceedings of British courts-martial held outside Britain , and of any Commonwealth courts Public inquiries set up by Commonwealth Governments Extracts from public registers Notices published by judges or court officers .
19 Part II privilege extends , subject to affording the victim a reasonable right of reply , to fair and accurate reports of : Findings or decisions ( not necessarily the evidence on which they are based ) of any association ( or committees of associations ) formed in the United Kingdom , and empowered by its constitution to exercise control over , or adjudicate on matters relating to : ( a ) art , science , religion or learning ( b ) any trade , business , industry or profession ( c ) persons connected with games , sports or pastimes and who are contractually subject to the Association .
20 Amnesty International opposes torture and the death penalty in all cases without reservation and advocates fair and prompt trials for all political prisoners .
21 Members work within a closely defined mandate : to seek the release of prisoners of conscience — people imprisoned solely for their beliefs , colour , ethnic origin , sex , language or religion , provided they have neither used nor advocated the use of violence ; to ensure fair and prompt trials for political prisoners ; to oppose the death penalty , torture and other cruel , inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of all prisoners. ; and to end extrajudicial executions and ‘ disappearances ’ .
22 Amnesty International opposes torture and the death penalty in all cases without reservation and advocates fair and prompt trials for all political prisoners .
23 One of the most important messages that we must give to everyone in our country is that we have in place proper , fair and effective policies to deal with the unprecedented flow of asylum seekers .
24 It does not sit easily with that denial of consultation for the hon. Member for Alyn and Deeside now to criticise my right hon. Friends and myself for introducing fair and straightforward proposals for a council tax .
25 Apart from condemning the abuse of economic power , the Bible has little to say in a positive sense as to what constitutes fair and just wages and prices .
26 We would like to hear from people who regularly attend Auction Sales in different areas or who would be prepared to attend and be good enough to send us regular fair and balanced reports of their observations ; conclusions and recommendations with regard to the numbers of and general condition of the animals ; their handling and treatment ; attendance by officials at the Sales ; facilities for the animals , e.g. hay , water , etc. , and more particularly what happens to the rubbish section ?
27 On Nov. 20 opposition groups issued a joint statement calling for the immediate resignation of Ershad and fair and free elections within three months and announcing a general strike on Nov. 26 .
28 My hon. Friend makes several fair and valid points .
29 Accounting bases aim to provide consistent , fair and objective methods to deal with problems such as depreciation of fixed assets , valuing stock , translation of foreign currencies and inflation .
30 Staff at the Home Office who give fair and full interviews to applicants must look at all matters which reflect on the claim being made and on the credibility of the individual .
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