Example sentences of "travel [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was late in the afternoon now , later than I thought it would be , and shadows were long on the grass before us , so that by the time we 'd travelled the leafy lane to Flanders Hall and had followed the road past the Grange to West Burton village green , it was early evening .
2 He successfully reformed the service on the Continent , setting up fixed and regular posts for the speeding on of the portmantle or packet , in place of the irregular messengers and carriers who had travelled the whole distance .
3 But if we travel the northern route we probably wo n't see the sun for weeks , and the daylight is grey and the sea is green and grey , while at night you just see the cold white wavetops hissing out of blackness .
4 We then travel the short distance to Lake Como where we will stay for two nights .
5 He finds the village roads with their mud ruts , gullies to cross and general hostility to smooth travel a great strain .
6 In another study of migrants in central Wales , Jones ( 1965 ) even went so far as to test all of Ravenstein 's laws , but he could only definitely confirm Laws 1 and 5 , which argue that most migrants only travel a short distance , but that those who do travel further migrate to the great centres of commerce and industry .
7 Travel a different way to work , visit a part of your organization you are unfamiliar with , read a different newspaper to your normal one , drink tea instead of coffee , volunteer to do/lead a project team , etc. etc .
8 He said : ‘ I travel an awful lot with my career but I have always kept up my links with Derry and the football club has always been such a part of me . ’
9 Having travelled a reasonable distance into wind ( you did wait three years for a day with a light breeze did n't you ? ) , apply some sideways cyclic to bank the model and start a turn .
10 Only three days and they seemed to have travelled a great distance .
11 American Pentecostalism has travelled a long way from its roots in the southern states .
12 ‘ Mr McKillop , you 've travelled a long way and you 've worked hard but I think this is as far as you 're likely to get . ’
13 I 've travelled a long way today . ’
14 We have travelled a long way from the traditional " dualist " and " monist " views of style outlined in Chapter 1 .
15 But the family sat on with the inertia of those who have travelled a long way and are reluctant to face the effort of arrival .
16 The stranger 's clothes were dusty and muddy , as if he had travelled a long way .
17 All in all , they have travelled a long way since that night when Santos led a nervous band of campesinos , complete with a BBC camera crew , onto Doña Elsa 's cattle ranch .
18 We have travelled a long way from the original accelerationist hypothesis as set out in Friedman 's Presidential Address .
19 Truly , we have travelled a long way from the high hopes and higher hyperbole of the 1980s , when inward investment offered a fast-track escape route from a crumbling manufacturing base .
20 Careful attention to engine mounting and sound insulation means that the large engine sounds almost as though it belongs to the car in front — a remote burbling noise that seems to have travelled a long way before it reaches the driver 's ear .
21 He has arranged for the agency staff to have lunch with the Managing Director and two experts in pollution control from the parent company who have travelled a considerable distance to attend .
22 Some had travelled a considerable distance for example from Australia , Germany , Belgium and the USA and were not disappointed by either the welcome or the expertise offered them .
23 The ball travels the total distance towards the target , and will land short , pass straight over , or hit depending on how accurately you have guessed the range and what effect the dice has .
24 Though he travels a good deal in his job as an engineering manager , he could now enjoy the prospect of climbing , walking and fishing in the beautiful scenery he loves .
25 So naturally he travels a great deal , and is in demand as a consultant wherever Roman sites are being excavated .
26 Look at Him , being born in obscurity , in ordinary surroundings in Bethlehem ; growing and working in Nazareth ; look at Him , hot , thirsty and tired , travelling the dusty roads of Palestine ; look at Him healing the sick , raising the dead , forgiving the sinner ; and as you look , you will see God .
27 It was winter and we made an early start , travelling the seventy-odd miles in darkness so as to arrive with time to tackle up and be fishing as the last dregs of darkness dripped away .
28 For day travelling the sleeping compartment was converted into a second day compartment .
29 The history of the building is said to have been associated with the Pilgrims travelling the old road , possibly to Canterbury to the shrine of Thomas Becket , or to that of St. William of Rochester .
30 Travelling the whole way from New Ross , Southern Ireland , paid off for Arklow Pipe Band , who won top honours in Grade 4A .
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