Example sentences of "result from a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It could also result from a change in composition , and thus indicates that the Moon has a crust .
2 The idea that political power can result from a variety of factors , in addition to economic wealth , can be found in many studies of policy-making in Western nations .
3 Political power can result from a variety of factors including wealth , control over information , status , popularly and legally .
4 The Secretary of State has clarified the position on savings , but will he give us some idea of the savings which will result from a reduction of effectiveness in Scotland ?
5 According to Longacre ( 1979 : 116 ) , the orthographic paragraph can result from a writer 's stylistic concerns , ‘ partially dictated by eye appeal ’ , or from printing conventions such as an indentation for each change of speaker .
6 Falling standards of care may well result from a transfer of responsibility from professional agencies to family care .
7 In the simple model above each firm must know that the other 's costs are identical to its own , and must know that they have the same beliefs about the market demand function as well as in the credibility of the punishment that would result from a deviation .
8 Insensitive handling of this process can result from a misassessment of an elder 's competence to make these shifts , and of the time and energy this takes .
9 The other is that latent inhibition does indeed result from a loss of stimulus associability but that the mechanism responsible for this loss is not that that underlies habituation .
10 Thus , dominance can be seen to arise where a firm has the power to behave independently of its competitors and customers , and this may result from a combination of a number of factors , none of which separately would necessarily imply dominance ( e.g. United Brands case ) .
11 Genetic variation could result from a balance between mutation and selection , or from balancing selection alone ; given the general difficulties of finding the causes and genetic basis of polygenic variation , it is hard to take this line of evidence further .
12 Such errors may result from a failure to identify the appropriate grapheme ( e.g. , " whose " " hows " , and " straight " " strat " ) , or a failure to segment the appropriate phoneme correctly ( e.g. , " except " " exersept " , and " vehicle " " vercal " ) .
13 There will also be conflicts and disagreements arising from the organisation itself which will result from a number of factors .
14 Subsidence can result from a number of causes .
15 There are four main types of book delivery which can result from a reader submitting a call-slip , namely ,
16 It results from a transfer which in bringing the beneficiary 's total of votes up to the quota almost inevitably provides him also with more votes than he needed .
17 Later Turkish historians are thus almost universally in accord in naming Molla Fenari as the first Mufti and — on the assumption that Rifat Efendi 's version simply results from a slip which Ahmed Refik has not noticed in placing his appointment in the time of Murad II , with some historians giving the date 828/1424–5 for the appointment .
18 This results from a kind of double vision which blurs the difference between the historical interpretation of contemporary economic advice and the evaluation of ideas which subsequently proved to be significant in the evolution of economic theory .
19 There 's another cost of a million pounds which results from a change in government policy of the cost of government policy , now this is including the er unfair funding of G M schools and including the loss of that was just , just mentioned .
20 ( The wealth effect may be defined as the change in spending on goods and services which results from a change in the real value of financial assets . )
21 The product , handy for portable clients , reportedly results from a survey of NFS users about their biggest networking concerns .
22 It results from a process of logical , deductive reasoning , unsullied by personal feelings or practicalities .
23 Your particular triangle may well be unique , as it results from a combination of your particular space and your particular needs .
24 Remember to begin with that the demand for bank lending is a demand which results from a desire to buy goods or services .
25 This results from a failure in the sealing of the unit and causes condensation to build up between the panes of glass .
26 Going via Hamburg , Harry now had troubles in the form of a punctured front tyre , and ‘ tummy-trouble ’ resulting from a surfeit of apples and vegetables .
27 A study of the health and ecological situation in the Ust-Kamenogorsk region of Kazahkstan has revealed widespread problems , apparently resulting from a mixture of nuclear and conventional air pollution .
28 The Warsaw Pact proposal ( i ) called , among other things , for " continuous or regular inspections at temporary and permanent entry/exit points ' through which troops and equipment would be observed during demobilization resulting from a treaty ; and ( ii ) stipulated that " inspection teams shall have the right of free access to aircraft , including their weapons systems ' and might use " optical and electronic means of observation " .
29 For example , it is not possible to differentiate between a hilar stricture caused by focal sclerosing cholangitis from one resulting from a cholangiocarcinoma , or a distal stricture due to cancer of the pancreas from a stricture caused by chronic pancreatitis .
30 When problems have arisen such as in the urban riots they have explained them away as resulting from a lack of proper parental and school discipline ( blaming the victim again ) or as the work of political agitators .
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