Example sentences of "fully [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The issue of natural genius is more fully treated in chapter five below ; here , it is necessary to observe that Duck 's success was largely a consequence of the attention inevitably accorded to a prodigy of any description .
2 Not only is it allowing certain health authorities to waste millions of pounds on computer systems that do n't work , it also allowed the London Ambulance Service to put lives at risk with a system that had not been fully proven in practice .
3 The pupils of the youth 's eyes were fully dilated to azure marbles .
4 A West Midlands police spokesman said : ‘ We believe the police officers fully complied with force guidelines in regards the stopping and following of vehicles .
5 So far as the tax system is concerned , some groups in society will suffer if tax rates are not fully adjusted for inflation .
6 Firms then have to adopt ‘ inflation accounting ’ techniques in which all costs , revenues , profits and losses are fully adjusted for inflation .
7 Berger 's irrationalist pessimism about the fate of ideas in history is neither fully justified by history nor required by logic .
8 The latter provisions are fully explained in Part Two of this book at paragraph 22–46 onwards .
9 The associative data is extracted from the INSERT PARTS command , and the spatial data from the digitized coordinates and the inserted part 's drawing file , which is a structured set of work , spatial , engineering and technical sub-files held in the CAD data base ( this is fully explained in Chapter 6 ) .
10 We may extend our analysis of urban-rural shift to these years , 1981–87 , by reference to Table 5.5 , which disaggregates the South and North of Great Britain further into types of districts , a breakdown that is more fully explained in Chapter 7 and utilized in Chapters 8 to 11 .
11 We believe that the whole person includes the dimensions of body mind and spirit , and that all dimension of human responsibility are fully realised in community and not in isolation .
12 The SAS method of practising speechreading helps to prevent speech articulation becoming slovenly , especially when hearing-aids can not fully compensate for hearing loss .
13 Beliefs are inconsistent when they can not both be true , attitudes are inconsistent when there are circumstances in which they can not ( in the same sense of ‘ can not ’ ) both be fully actualised in feeling and action .
14 Hobhouse ‘ presented a kind of fusion of Spencer and Green ’ insofar as he believed in the scientific importance of the idea of evolution but felt that the most highly evolved society is one ‘ in which the efforts of its members are most completely coordinated to common ends , in which discord is most fully subdued to harmony . ’
15 Nevertheless , despite all the necessary caveats regarding Nizan 's possible disenchantment with the reality of the Soviet experiment , and the difficulty he experienced in making the transition from sectarian to popular front tactics , Nizan remained fully committed to communism and the PCF between 1935 and 1939 .
16 The real problem was that although Ernest Bevin and the trade union movement had swept away pacifist opposition , and won conference support for collective security for the League of Nations at the Labour Party 's Brighton Conference of 1935 , it was by no means fully committed to rearmament .
17 The Labour party is fully committed to health promotion and prevention care .
18 The Met say the system is fully committed at present , and anyway we 've got our own computer .
19 The circumstances in which section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act applies will be more fully considered in Chapter 23 .
20 Section 56 is more fully considered in Chapter 22 ( para. 22–14 below ) .
21 Once fully saturated with culture , food , drink or any combination of the three , it is possible to escape the tourist honeypots , which are mostly in the centre and south of town .
22 The phone company reckons that while this evolution of integrated management is seen as a critical need for users , it has yet to be fully addressed by network service providers .
23 The phone company reckons that while this evolution of integrated management is seen as a critical need for users , it has yet to be fully addressed by network service providers .
24 Fourth , though the concept of a legal right to decent housing has not been fully accepted by government , local authorities are legally required to provide some type of shelter for most of the homeless .
25 Russia declared war on Japan on 8 August but , as the Japanese military reported , the Soviet forces did not appear fully prepared for conflict extending throughout Manchuria and Korea : while much of Manchuria was captured , significant parts of southern Manchuria had not been taken when Japan surrendered on 15 August .
26 The car , which could have raced as early as May , will be fully prepared for action with Prost behind the wheel next season .
27 No one is ever fully prepared for bereavement , and even if her husband 's terminal illness was one from which she had known he could not hope to recover , his death will still have come as a shock to her which may create a feeling of numbness and unreality : .
28 ‘ It shall be the duty of every director of a building society to satisfy himself that the arrangements made for assessing the adequacy of the security for any advance to be fully secured on land which is to be made by the society are such as may reasonably be expected to ensure that — ( a ) an assessment will be made on the occasion of each advance whether or not any previous assessment was made with a view to further advances or re-advances ; ( b ) each assessment will be made by a person holding office in or employed by the society who is competent to make the assessment and is not disqualified under this section from making it ; ( c ) each person making the assessment will have furnished to him a written report on the value of the land and any factors likely materially to affect its value made by a person who is competent to value , and is not disqualified under this section from making a report on , the land in question ; but the arrangements need not require each report to be made with a view to a particular assessment so long as it is adequate for the purpose of making the assessment .
29 The razzmatazz of a US election can be an education for anyone not fully versed in politics the American way , but just how does the rather involved system work ?
30 In a special case , however , it may be appropriate to deal expressly with improvements made by subtenants. ( g ) Other obligations Since the landlord 's income will usually depend on rents generated by actual lettings of the property , the landlord will require the tenant to enter into a series of obligations designed to ensure that the scheme is kept fully let at rack rents .
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