Example sentences of "attend [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If you would like to attend for a day or a weekend , we would be delighted to welcome you , but do let us know in advance !
2 As on previous courses any Qualified Teacher wishing to attend for a day is very welcome to do so ( £10 per day ) , and is making a new list of teachers who might like to take up spare places on the Aston Clinton weekends ( £55 ) .
3 NHS professionals normally perceive day hospitals as a possible alternative to hospital admission for people who are acutely ill and can not be treated as outpatients or at home , as a place for recently discharged short-term in-patients to attend for a period while settling back into normal life , and as a place to treat , monitor and give social support to long-term patients who would otherwise live isolated lives .
4 There are five specific reasons for not calling a witness given in r25 — namely , that the witness is dead or beyond the seas or unfit by reason of bodily or mental condition to attend as a witness or that , despite the exercise of reasonable diligence , it has not been possible to identify or find him or that he can not reasonably be expected to have any recollection of matters relevant to the accuracy or otherwise of the statement .
5 There is a lot of reading material to get through and absorb , and there are cases to attend as an observer before a new Panel Member finally makes up one of the three actually hearing a case .
6 But the day belonged to biplanes with a stirring co-ordinated aerobatic routine from Vic Norman and Brendan O'Brien in Stearmen ; lyrical singleton aerobatics routines from types as varied as Jungmann , Great Lakes and Stampe ; Barry Tempest crazy flying and taking much advantage of the local topography ; the Diamond Nine Tiger Moth team dominating the intimate skyline with their outstanding final burst ; the Tiger Walk twin Tiger Moth girl-on-the-wing team ; with the weather preventing a migration to France for a booking , the Crunchie Flying Circus aerobatic girls-on-the-wing attended for a show on ‘ home ’ territory .
7 This runs counter to Mason 's suggestion that more unskilled workers attended between the wars .
8 The performance of dance and drama attended during the inspection of Matagalpa Prison was a good testimony to the efforts being made to draw out the creativity and self-expression of the prisoner .
9 " The Meeting require that the Medical gentlemen who receive annual allowances from this Meeting do produce a distinct list of all the poor Patients they have attended during the course of the Year , and the medicines bestowed upon such Patients . "
10 Georgia left the State Council , whose Sept. 6 meeting it had attended as an observer , because of the Council 's refusal to discuss Georgian independence , by contrast with its official recognition of the Baltic states [ see p. 38419 ] .
11 In nine cases the delegations were led by the respective state Presidents , while the Kirgiz and Tajik delegations were led by their Prime Ministers ; the Georgian Defence Minister attended as an observer .
12 Tengiz Sigua , head of the Georgian government , was reported to have attended as an observer .
13 But there was another side , marked by loyalty to the college which he had attended as an undergraduate ( he received his BA from Bowdoin in 1958 ) and whose history faculty he joined after his return from Oxford .
14 Health and safety cour training courses according to these reports these are poorly attended with a majority below forty percent but more worrying than that is that nearly half of G M B safety reps said they 'd not received a copy of the safety rep 's kits .
15 But two days later he was on duty , coloured bright orange from iodine on cuts and bruises got at the elections which he had attended in the Jlulat interest .
16 It was an important concession by the Board as Jacques had been excluded since his appointment in 1935 even though his predecessor had attended in the capacity of District Secretary .
17 One possible reason for this would be that fixed information may simply not be attended in the judgment phase , after all , we have already seen that the amount of such information present does not appear to be related to risk ratings ( r(46)=0.15 between studies , r(48)=0.13 within the ratings scales study alone ) or accident estimates ( r(46)=0.23 between studies ) .
18 He was soon overpowered with either sleep or cold , when his faithful defendant , who had closely attended to every step , scratched away the snow so as to throw up a sort of protecting wall around his helpless master ; then mounting upon the exposed body , rolled himself round and lay upon his master 's bosom , for which his shaggy coat proved a most seasonable covering and eventual protection during the dreadful severity of the night , the snow falling all the time .
19 Silas led the way to the stables , where he unsaddled and attended to the horses ; then he turned to her and said gruffly .
20 Sister attended to the nurse while Wendy attended to the baby , clearing its mouth , nose and eyes .
21 They campaigned strongly against the Household Means Test which had been imposed by the National government at the end of 1931 , and a Policy Sub-Committee of the party , influenced by Hugh Dalton and Herbert Morrison , attended to the issues of unemployment , banking , housing and transport .
22 While all this had been going on , Steve had carried out a thorough inspection of the locomotive , had oiled up the axle boxes and attended to the brake gear .
23 Psychiatric rehabilitation services have attended to the needs of people who are unmotivated and resistant to help , and various models of psychosocial rehabilitation have been developed as a consequence .
24 He 'd attended to the brakes on the Saturday , but then , feeling unhappy with the alignment of the wheels , had started work on them .
25 Should the patient be the person who had attended to the business and financial side of family life , then there will have to be a reversal of roles ; these items will have to be attended to by a responsible other person , usually the spouse .
26 That solicitor attended on the magistrates ' court at 4.20 that afternoon .
27 Very large crowds attended on the Friday , although not as vast as on the first day .
28 7 Certificates at the end of the petition : ( a ) the period of search for prior petitions has been reduced to three years ; ( b ) where a statutory demand is based wholly or in part on a county court judgment the following certificate , which replaces the affidavit or county court search , is to be added : " I/We certify that on the day of 19 I/we attended on the County Court and was/were informed by an officer of the court that no money had been paid into court in the action or matter .
29 In the result Mr. Levy , junior counsel , and their instructing solicitors , together with Miss T. 's father and C. , attended at the judges ' lodgings shortly after 11 p.m. that night .
30 When the perinatal mortality rate was calculated on the basis of the hospital attended at the start of labour the crude perinatal mortality rate in hospital 1 ( 12.6/ 1000 deliveries ) was a third higher than that in hospital 3 ( 9.4/1000 deliveries ) .
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