Example sentences of "struggling to free [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There are suggestions both of imprisonment and refuge ; women marooned in their own glamour , yet struggling to free themselves of its oppression .
2 The institutional , legal and procedural definition of convocation had not been clear in 1307 nor was it finally resolved by 1327 : the clergy were struggling to free themselves from the enveloping quicksand of parliament , the king 's high court , and to reach the firm ground of an autonomous clerical assembly , no part of the king 's court ( with all that that implied ) and free from the intimidating presence , or intrusion , of those royal councillors who were laymen .
3 Her hair , red snakes struggling to free themselves from the hairpins , was the only vital thing about her .
4 After them the literary scene in Slovenia throughout the nineteenth century resembles that of many of the small nations of Europe struggling to free themselves from the shackles of the great multinational empires which straddled the continent from Finland to the Aegean .
5 She had twisted and turned , struggling to free herself to no avail , until a well-aimed kick had won her a temporary respite .
6 Still drugged with sleep , struggling to free herself from her half-dreaming state , Isabel 's eyes snapped open just as Guy released her mouth .
7 In this sense , social work has been struggling to free itself from the same trap as much of British industry .
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