Example sentences of "intimately [verb] up with the " in BNC.

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1 For the Palestinians , the Lebanon conflict was now a ‘ war of liberation ’ in its own right , intimately bound up with the aspiration for a return to Palestine , a conflict in which the Maronite militias became a proxy enemy .
2 As such , much of the debate over homosexuality was intimately bound up with the wider argument that has already been identified over the role and significance of the modern ‘ nuclear ’ or ‘ bourgeois ’ family .
3 It is only too obvious that this balance between action and personal life was intimately bound up with the conditions of clandestine action and could not survive it .
4 The nature of the laterality index one chooses is intimately bound up with the sort of theoretical question one wishes to ask ( Eling , 1981 ) .
5 Chapter 12 will consider more comprehensive arrangements for participation in decision making by the group whose interests are most intimately bound up with the company , the employees .
6 Sexuality was a major political issue in the suffrage movement.During the years before the First War the history of sexual politics became intimately bound up with the progress of feminism .
7 As the question of his death date , and indeed the circumstances of his death , are intimately bound up with the vexed problem of the identity of his successor , further discussion of it may suitably be left to the following chapter .
8 Its satisfactions are of their own kind , though they are satisfactions intimately bound up with the life of each individual reader , and therefore not without their bearing on his attitude to life .
9 ‘ The workforce thus comes to view employment in the firm as a permanent career , and it sees its future as intimately tied up with the fate of the enterprise ’ ( Gallie 1978 , 18 ) .
10 The story of the railways is intimately tied up with the wider saga of the industrialization of Europe , and it proceeded at a different rate in each country .
11 Such an exercise can span huge parameter ranges in which quite different behaviours are observed ( but all of which are intimately tied up with the existence of periodic orbits : even the strange attractor is densely packed with unstable orbits ) .
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