Example sentences of "distance [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed Persephone 's final address , at a more flowing tempo with reciter and flutes ideally distanced in the warm acoustic of London 's Blackheath Concert Halls , is a cherishable moment of tender limpidity .
2 Was it possible he was being distanced from the large family they were trying to help ?
3 The political and ideological ferment of the interwar period , when the ideological and cultural were fused , created the historical conditions in which intellectuals , writers and artists were no longer distanced from the social process and were to play a significant role in national and international events .
4 Distanced from the day-to-day world of his youthful and not-so-youthful listeners , he could speak with all the more understanding , all the more authority , to their needs .
5 This was distanced from the earlier stress on Old Testament religious morality by its rationalism ; as in the story 's metaphor of electricity , wondrous yet calculable , which demonstrated the inexorable consequences of wrong-doing-disease , death and social degeneracy .
6 As Attridge shows this means that poetry claiming to be perfecting the natural ( acting according to decorum ) establishes its claim to do so by using a rhetoric which is employed only by a learned few whose language is distanced from the natural language of the majority .
7 Strathspeld is everywhere white ; the sky is still and shining , hiding the sun in a dazzling , brilliant haze , its light somehow distanced by the intervening layer of high cloud overlooking a chill wilderness of snow .
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