Example sentences of "sentence to [noun sg] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 In 1982 Mrs Chamberlain was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder , while her husband was convicted as an accessory and given a suspended 18-month jail term .
2 THE MAN sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of the Swedish prime minister , Olof Palme , was acquitted yesterday after the appeal court overturned the verdict against him .
3 Soon after the Communist takeover , he fell foul of the ultra-Stalinists and , as a Slovak , was sentenced to life imprisonment for ‘ bourgeois nationalism ’ .
4 A New Zealand man was yesterday sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of an English tourist , Monica Cantwell .
5 It was Steve McQueen who was picked to play the French criminal determined to escape from Devil 's Island where he has been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of a pimp , of which he claims he is innocent .
6 One morning a letter arrived from my literary agent , Michael Sissons , enclosing a handwritten manuscript of some 100,000 words written by a prisoner named David Cooper who , ten years earlier , had been sentenced to life imprisonment for his part in the Luton murder .
7 After the abolition of the death penalty in 1965 there was plainly some anxiety by the legislature as to how prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment for murder should be dealt with .
8 Rangoon radio reported that Lt.-Cdr. ( retd ) Ba Thaw , a former naval officer , was on Oct. 5 , 1989 , sentenced to life imprisonment for allegedly inciting about 30 naval personnel to leave their posts and to join pro-democracy demonstrations in early September 1988 .
9 Besides Djohar and Taki , the six other candidates were : ( i ) Prince Said Ali Kemal , a former ambassador , the grandson of the last Sultan of the islands and founder of the Chuma ( Islands ' Friendship and Unity ) Party ; ( ii ) Mohamed Ali Mroudjae , a former Prime Minister , of the Parti comorien pour la démocratie et le progrès ; ( iii ) Mohammed Hassan Ali , a former Vice-President , now leader of the Moheli National Front ; ( iv ) Abbas Djoussouf , representing the Mouvement démocratique populaire ; ( v ) Mohammed Ali Mbalya of the Parti socialiste des Comores ; and ( vi ) Moustapha Said Cheikh , a Marxist standing for the Front démocratique , who had been sentenced to life imprisonment for his part in an attempted coup in 1985 , but who had been released from prison following Abdallah 's death .
10 On June 30 , 1989 , former British Army corporal Dennis Beahan was sentenced to life imprisonment for his part in an abortive attempt to free five Zimbabwean saboteurs ( including the above three ) from prison in June 1988 .
11 Luther Custodio , and 15 others including a captain and a lieutenant , were sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Benigno Aquino and of his alleged assassin Rolando Galman .
12 French prisoners also protested in July 1990 at overcrowding and specifically at Mitterrand 's decision on July 27 , 1990 , to release Anis Naccache ( as well as four others connected with his case ) , who had in 1982 been sentenced to life imprisonment for the attempted murder in 1980 of the former Iranian Prime Minister Shapour Bakhtiar ] [ see pp. 30631-32 ; for links with Lebanese hostage issue see p. 36632 ; for August 1991 murder of Bachtiar see p. 38409 ] .
13 In June 1990 nine members of the Red Brigades ( Brigate Rosse — BR ) were sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder in April 1988 of DC senator Roberto Ruffili [ see p. 35989 ] .
14 Mark Braithwaite and Engin Raghip , also sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of PC Blakelock , were released on bail on Nov. 27 pending the court 's final ruling on their cases .
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