Example sentences of "fling [pn reflx] into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When it came time to fling himself into the cradle of the flying harness , the back scenery was slippery with rain , and Gabriel 's bare feet slithered against the paint so that he plunged nose down , the harness slipped down to his hips , and he sawed to and fro , arms outstretched .
2 He flung himself into the driving seat .
3 When the large chromium headlamps of the Citron were only five feet from them , the first boy flung himself into the roadside ditch and let out a yell of triumph as he tumbled into the filthy water .
4 She practically flung herself into the driver 's seat , moaning loudly with pain as she eased herself into position and started the engine .
5 As they passed Jess , flinging themselves into the Battle , she saw Garty Jenks among them .
6 Pickets broke through the police lines and flung themselves into the road in an attempt to stop the vehicles .
7 I was spitting with fear and frustration as I yanked on some clothes and flung myself into the control area .
8 As Tiguary announced the plan to the assembled chiefs , Dulé could see the scene in his mind 's eye : the fire licking up one mast , then leaping in the rigging to the other , snaking through the spars , then falling in sparks , and setting the decks to smouldering while sleepy men sloshed water about with the balers , yelling orders to one another , until , when the flames had lit up all the timbers and the ship blazed in a transparent lattice of spars and ribs , her defenders would fling themselves into the sea and the warriors would swoop out of the shallows and fall on them : it would be as easy as catching fish .
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