Example sentences of "fling [pn reflx] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When she had finished , he motioned Tam forward first because he was the oldest , and the twelve-year-old boy rushed eagerly across the room to fling himself down on the altar mat . "
2 Then he flung himself down on the settee .
3 He sighed and flung himself down on the chair .
4 Breathlessly she flung herself down on the window seat .
5 Then suddenly she flung herself down on the bed and closed her eyes .
6 Felicity flung herself down on the sacrificial stone , opening wide her legs , arching her back , so that her pudendum rose in the air like some nocturnal flower .
7 He left , and Fran flung herself down on the bed , pummelling the pillow with her fists in a sudden explosion of temper .
8 She did not like flying and the mental energy involved in getting through the ordeal without flinging herself down in the aisle and drumming her heels was considerable .
9 They rush from the water , fling themselves down on the beach and proceed to roll around in agony , screaming and frothing at the mouth .
10 Exhausted front seven hours of nonstop toil , the brothers flung themselves down on the red soil in the shade along with the other fifteen hundred coolies of the plantation and lay like dead men .
11 I flung myself down on the grass in the sunshine and stared up at the blue .
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