Example sentences of "sum up the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus David Reynolds and Christopher Thorne have resorted to such phrases as " competitive co-operation " or " allies of a kind " in their attempts to sum up the famous wartime partnership .
2 He says Oxford is a wonderland we wanted to sum up the traditional image with dreaming spires and punting on the Cherwell .
3 This , as Henry looked at it , the piped organ music swelling through the chapel , seemed to sum up the complete irrelevance of English literature .
4 Herbert also penned the verses which have come to sum up the general fate of such investigations :
5 First , to sum up the relevant conclusions so far .
6 So what would The Inspirals T-shirt slogan be to sum up the current attitude ?
7 So , to sum up the main points so far : the scriptible as a value and the commentary as a form of reading both imply an approach which is largely incompatible with the chief principles of classical structuralism .
8 To sum up the hybrid theory that has emerged : it is that non-reinforced pre-exposure to a stimulus will allow the formation of potentially interfering associations and bring about a loss of associability .
9 Perhaps I might see in the rising of that sun some icon quintessentially Pacific , or think some thought which in a flash would sum up the essential message of the great Ocean .
10 Speaking more generally , I suppose that I could sum up the Prime Minister 's speech — without rancour — as timid , devoid of national purpose and lacking in inspiration .
11 That would just about sum up the general South African reaction to the record 26–3 defeat by Australia .
12 Let us sum up the main points .
13 We might sum up the naive inductivist position by saying that , according to it , science is based on the principle of induction , which we can write :
14 Patrick Wilson beautifully summed up the overall problem in a general sense :
15 Fairbairn ) aptly summed up the Labour party 's position .
16 Bowie , whose admiration is tinged with honest caution , has summed up the Lacanian system in these words :
17 WHEN Ian McGeechan made his oft-quoted remark in Australia last summer that David Sole was ‘ a player 10 years ahead of his time ’ , the Lions ' coach neatly summed up the collective view of the touring party .
18 Everett True , writing in Melody Maker , probably summed up the general reaction to the shows when he wrote : ‘ It 's rock .
19 Gerald Sterling neatly summed up the Conservative case : ‘ Voting Labour means high taxes , high taxes mean less to spend , less to spend means fewer things bought , fewer things bought means fewer things produced , and fewer things produced means less work for everyone . ’
20 These words by Bulot Okhudzhava , from a poem entitled ‘ A poet has no rivals in fate ’ ( 1988 ) , sum up the Russian poet 's vision of any individual :
21 In many ways these two opinions sum up the different preconceptions , experiences , attitudes and priorities of the two sides .
22 Some of your comments really sum up the TECHNIQUEST experience :
23 McCrea sums up the Western code by his declaration that all his wants is to ‘ enter my house justified ’ while Scott is more easy-going and hence survives to mourn his partner in a world where a Westerner is more likely to be an unshaven brute played by Warren Oates than a white-hatted , true-hearted paladin .
24 Hills sums up the combined effect of the tax and benefit changes since 1979 :
25 That sums up the Labour party 's attitude , which is against a roads policy .
26 IT IS an old joke , but it sums up the present mood in Australia .
27 An editorial in The Lancet ( November 10 , 1990 ) entitled ‘ Who 's for tennis ? ’ but which could have just as easily been entitled ‘ Who 's for running ? ’ sums up the present state of the art and looks particularly at a new piece of research carried out on civil servants .
28 Chanel sums up the new colour and shape of accessories .
29 They 're saying that after all IBM Corp has been through , hiring a guy from RJR Nabisco Corp really takes the biscuit , and Reuter sums up the new round of IBM woes succinctly : the headline on Tuesday night read 24MAR93 USA : IBM TUMBLES ON MAINFRAME CONCERN , GERSTNER .
30 That , perhaps , sums up the entire package : a slightly addled Lord Chancellor 's egg .
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