Example sentences of "opt [adv prt] of the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But you can not simply opt out of the issue altogether , no matter who you are : whatever choice you make in this area will have a meaning and give a signal .
2 If that is so , the easiest way out of this battle of the sexes will be for firms to let employees opt out of the company scheme and use their money to buy a private pension .
3 Bell opted out of the tour , but declared himself available for internationals , and can expect extra attention on Sunday from the Kiwi centres .
4 He rubbed his chin , ‘ Some years ago a platelayer named Jed Knighton opted out of the rat race and became what I suppose you 'd call a tramp .
5 They debated more precise targeting of benefits , and persuading high earners to opt out of the state pension .
6 In addition , it seems likely that some , at least , of those who choose to opt out of the state or their employer 's scheme may end up dependant on state benefits at a later date , as the benefits from the money purchase schemes are unpredictable for both employee and dependants .
7 The statutory requirement should no longer apply to the 250,000 or so companies that are below the VAT registration threshold of £36,600 , and those companies which meet the VAT cash accounting limit requirements ( £300,000 ) should be allowed to opt out of the audit provided there is unanimous agreement among the shareholders .
8 Okay , so once it 's signed and accepted , the client , does their part of the bargain , i.e. pays their premiums , then there 's no way we can decide to opt out of the contract ,
9 We ca n't decide to opt out of the contract
10 The treaty is being put to the vote again because last December 's EC summit in Edinburgh allowed Denmark to opt out of the treaty 's terms on defence co-operation , a common currency , supranational co-operation on police and legal matters , and ‘ union citizenship ’ .
11 The new vote will be on a revised deal agreed at the Edinburgh summit which allows Danes to opt out of the treaty 's plans for a common currency , joint defence , union citizenship and supranational police co-operation .
12 The decision to opt out of the requirement to scrummage changed the whole nature of the game .
13 And just that the proposals if you want to opt out of the homework timetable then they can but they 've got ta let
14 The issue is whether these men are to be allowed to opt out of the rule of law …
15 The government 's already allowed seventeen hospitals to opt out of the control of their local health boards .
16 Murray wants to opt out of the deal but two deadlines have already passed for Kiam to raise the money and now a third , and perhaps final , one has fallen due this month , the end of the football season .
17 This weekend doctors will receive the results of a poll for the BMA showing 73 per cent of GPs wanted to opt out of the commitment .
18 Elaine a retired civil servant who had worked all her life , felt she made a mistake in retiring at the same time as her friend Louise who had always opted out of the cooking and cleaning in favour of gardening and doing the decorating .
19 They have opted out of the election due on May 23rd on the pretence that it will legitimise Vietnamese domination of Cambodia .
20 UK industry has saved some £4 billion in annual interest payments since sterling opted out of the exchange rate mechanism and devalued last September .
21 So erm if you have n't opted out of the scheme er full time service , part time service if a teacher had elected to the part time scheme , and a supply supply teacher if a teacher had elected to the part time scheme .
22 Hitherto many specialists opted out of the controversy by saying we have no way of knowing the internal temperature of dinosaurs because of the reasons mentioned above .
23 Large sections of Britain , especially in the south of England , have opted out of the production of goods .
24 ‘ So you 've opted out of the war effort , ’ he greeted her nastily , ‘ to go swanning all over the Pacific ? ’
25 You must have decided to follow her before she went into the school grounds , because otherwise you would n't have opted out of the swimming .
26 The reason for their exclusion , despite the government 's professed desire for parent power , was that parents and governing bodies were known to be likely to reject opting out of the ILEA .
27 Paradoxically , most general practitioners think that opting out of the responsibility for out of hours care altogether should be made possible .
28 Nigel , by opting out of the computer course , had already made his compromise with ambitious dreams .
29 The 29-year-old singer , who has set up his own charity The Platinum Trust since opting out of the limelight two years ago , told Best magazine :
30 The one dear to the heart of the popular press is the possibility of individuals opting out of the labour market altogether to ‘ sponge ’ off the state .
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